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What a choke job by the Yankees


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I saw footage of some of the rioting.


What's with people (not just in Boston, but most everywhere) rioting and burning cars after a sports championship?  Are we, as a human race, really this pathetic?


Funny thing is the Red Sox haven't really won anything yet.  If the Cards sweep them in the WS, then the curse is still alive and all that rioting just makes them look like even bigger asshats.


Yeah, it was stupid but cops shouldn't be shooting any type of guns at unarmed people. That is what we have tazors for.


Well if those people in the crowd didnt throw bottles at the mounted police he wouldnt have turned around and fired into the crowd. Who ever threw the bottle at the officer is clearly responsible for her death.



Looks like the person who was killed(A female college student in Journalism) was doing nothing, and witnesses say nothing was being done in her area. She got hit in the eye by a pepperball projectile(the same one shot at Pro Kerry/Anti-Bush people in Oregon recently)





Witnesses say officers overreacted to the situation.


Several people who were near the area where Snelgrove was shot said the crowd seemed under control when at least one officer began firing the pepper-spray balls into the crowd.


Doug Conroy, 33, of Portland, Maine, said he and several other people had climbed the rafters of Fenway's famed Green Monster when police began to order them back down. He said he saw an officer in riot gear shoot something into the crowd below him.


He said he heard a woman scream, then heard sobbing. "A lot of people then looked over and saw her lying awkwardly on the sidewalk and blood coming out of her nose. She wasn't moving and we were just hoping she was just unconscious," Conroy told The Associated Press.....



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