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Amazing new PICS and PREVIEW

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If look at at this pic.




It seems to be a the same scene before the fight. There's the 3 people in the screen.




If you look at the other one,there's one person dead in the back ground and the two fighting the female from the Demo,and then this other guy. Now he very well may be fighting her I'm not sure but he looks a little like Jolee to me.

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First of all the guys may be bald, but they're wearing masks. Both of the masked men flanking the guy in the center look exactly the same. Not to mention I doubt Obsidian would release a screenshot with a possible spoiler in it.

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There's three I see in the first screen,one is dead in the second in the back on the ground,the second is off the side. The guy that looks like Jolee doesn't seem to be wearing a mask and don't have on the same outfit of the other two.

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It's not him...all I'm saying is, Jolee is either dead, or he is not, but if he was not, I don't see why he would join with the sith...


Who said anything about being with the Sith? If he's fighting with her he wouldn't be with the sith.

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The guy that looks some what like Jolee is in brown not black and I can't see a mask on him.


And as for Jedi and black..


*Cough*Luke Skywalker*cough*Return of the Jedi*Cough*


There's a black guy in the second picture fighting in the screen. I'm not sure who he's fighting,but he looks a little like Jolee to me. The people from the first screen are all there. Two fighting her(guy with mask,blond haired Sith) and the one dead in the back.

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I highly doubt that's Jolee. As I said, Obsidian would have no reason to put a spoiler like that in released screenshots, not to mention you can't even really see the person's face!


Which makes since,might not be. It does kind of look like the character and I know you can't see his face which would be why i stated I couldn't tell. He's not the same as the two masked "clones" that were standing on either side of the Sith in the first screen though. Might just be your run of the mill bad guy.

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Yes he does,it doesn't seem like something they'd do. Unless they have some reason to do so. Again I'm not saying it as a fact,I was throwing it out there to see what others thought.


There's 5 people in the second screen.


The female from the demo.


A white sith and two masked guys. One off the side fighting and one dead in the back.


And a black character of some sort fighting or whatever he's doing. That character looks a little like Jolee to me. Now I could be wrong and it could be just a bad guy in the fight but he doesn't look the same as the two guys with the masks.

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Well, you need a little variety, otherwise you are fighting faceless hoardes of enemies...


Very true.


But using the same faces over was something that Knights did a lot of. Yes this isn't Knights nor Bio so things can change.

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