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I replay Pillars 2 - or some of it before I get bored - from time to time, usually with my favorite class wizard, multiclassed. This is the perfect period for that, because I have to work a ****ton, so no time for gaming aside from beating up some monsters for a few hours a day. This time, for the first time, I tried out deadly deadfire - hardcore mod, and it suddenly made me much more interested in the game - suddely even the base game content is interesting. Alas, I only installed it at lvl 19, right before finishing everything on the non-DLC maps.

I'm currently playing a helwalker-blood mage, which might be my most played combos - who knows, running casually with 35 might and not so much constitution, and not really blowing up myself due to that one ring that is overpowered, no priests involved. The most ridiculious part of the monk though, especially with a class that prevents it from being hit, is just the crit resets. When not using a lance or casting, I'm running around with the sanguine greatsword with weeping wounds (two chances to crit per swing), and a casual 30 perception + dance of death, and just casually hitting things for 500+ damage who don't have excessive deflection. It would probably be even better with Saru-Sicr, just fists, and most certainly mohora tanga. Not to mention the other monk abilities, or the wizard aoe weapons...

With hardcore mod in mind, which makes enemies tougher, fights a bit longer, what other classes could come close, especially with a wizard multi? Rogue seems more appealing with dots, now that things don1t just get oneshot in the base game, and I'm thinking of trying to make berserker work (with priest support for this one, no accurracy). I'm just not sure how good blood thirst is, never seen it on anyone but Serafen and Konstanten - especially with hardcore mod, where things are harder to kill. Tactician fighter also seems more interested, even in a party, due to effectively endless resources, at least discipline - but fighter damage seems much lower than what others can do. Soulblade is also a great option, possibly....

...but monks are a bit ridiculious. 


All martial class can be sturdy multiclassed with priest or wizard (and almost the same with chanter or druid) but I think you forget the best martial class aside Monk (who is absurd in term of damage dealer): paladin. He doesn't deal great damage but become hard (or almost impossible) to tear down at high levels. And he has healing and support capabilities (for defense, ACC, etc.) that are very useful in a party.

Posted (edited)

I'm not looking for a tank, as you pointed out - all martial classes, or even classes period, are tanky with a wizard. If I'd play solo I would be more inclined to go super tanky, but then I would play tactician battlemage > arcane knight. In a party I don't see that much of the appeal, especially if I stick to Obsidian companions (and still, my MC will be the tankiest if for nothing else, most stats 😄 ) - besides, my Sage on lvl 19 enjoyed having 167 deflection, 200+ reflex and near 200 fortitude and will when engaging in a philosophical debate with Nemnok. And this is a two-handed, pure DPS build #justwizardthings. 

Currently I'm torn between Berserker-Wizard & Assasin, maybe Streetfighter Spellblade. Soulblade-Wizard is not on the table, as it was the other one I played relatively recently alongside the Sage. The Barb seems interesting, its a weird class that needs some input to reach its full potential (like getting fast kills via thunderious rapport, then poassibly switching to Amra and do a big bleed on someone before switching or summoning another weapon) - but casts almost as well as a Sage - possibly better damage, and can do melee. Not sure how well it would ultimately do without proper single target damage aside from item procs/bleeds on hardcore mod, and no renewable martial resources... then again, that's why priests and ciphers exist. 

Rogue also gives a different gameplay, and has a lot of single target damage & dots. Fighter is also unique, as long as tactician is considered. 

Sage is a bit too...straightforwardly powerful, especially once you reach really high accuracy, and Arcane Knight is just straightforward. *Sage, I guess there is the challenge of staying alive, especially early, but once you know what you do and how inversions work, its not too bad (keyword: voidward ring). 

Edited by CeciliaPhoenix

Depending on what you consider martial, Soublade/Bloodmage multiclass can be very strong with Spirit Lance + Soul Annihilation.

But yes if you are not looking to tank (which excludes battlemage and arcane knight going practically unkillable) and you only consider martial classes, which basically leaves barbarian, rogue, or ranger multiclasses, I don't think any of those three can compete with the monk multi.


Soulblade wizard might be my second most played class after Sage, I know what it is capable of. Not sure which one I like more, possibly Sage. 

I just can't decide which one, Warlock or Spellblade, will I enjoy more over time. I might be leaning towards Warlock - if for nothing else, just because it seems a bit less straightforward - but Spellblade might be able give me bigger individual numbers than Sage (bar crit resets, the infamous 1000 damage on hit if the stars align), which is a plus. 


To not be misunderstood: martial class are Fighter, Paladin, Rogue, Barb, Ranger and Monk, no way 😉
In SOLO full tanky with fighter or paladin can be a good decision, but usually in SOLO most of players (and me) tend to play offensive (i.e. dump RES and CON): it is more effective and above all, far more funny and not boring.

As already said, pair a martial class with a caster make that character a different way of play, a caster (especially wiz and priest) are so powerful late game that any class can be powerful and funny with them. And early level a fighter or paladin give a little sturdiness. Monk and Barb is a mid tier level as early survival, Rogue (and maybe Ranger, but the pet helps) is more squishy.
Let the ranger beyond this discusion, Rogue, Monk and Barb have an offensive way of playing, while Fighter and Barb are more "defensive". It is not so truly, because Arcane Knight can leverage great damage (you can see some of builds in this forum and over the web), and Fighter (particurarly tactician) can be a good damage dealer too. Some subclasses can deal with limited class resource (yes, always tactician, with brilliant and so on..) thus they can combine offensive and defensive damage.
Rogue as you said have a similar role to the monk, single target damage, but monk can deal with numerous foes as well. Subclass for Rogue (and Fighter) can make the difference: Streetfighter is powerful, Assassin is very good (above all multiclassed) while trickster maybe is better as single class and he is quite a hybrid between a martial and a caster :)
Also for the barb subclass can be important: berserker is top layer, Furyshaper is good, the others is a little "meh", but I played a corpse eater / priest of berath and with cheese (SoT, Brilliant, BDD) he was unbeatable ;)
I think Monk is the powerful martial class, great single class and aewsome multiclassed, and really funny to play!

So, I have understood, if I am not wrong, you don't wanna play a character with support features (as Paladin), but a similar to the monk single damage dealer.

Ok, Rogue can be the best choice (and maybe ranger if you wanna play ranger, even if Fighter as a tactician or Devoted...) but I think Barbarians are to large groups as monks are to single targets so the way to play (offensive) and the fun you can have is similar. Barbs are indeed funny, as a monk, but while a monk can manage many targets quite well, barbs can be in difficulty with one only strong enemy: but you have the other class to manage that, wizard by far for sure ;)
So I guess a Warlock is a good pick for you :)

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