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I'm otherwise impressed with the physics in the game, but the floaty jumping breaks some immersion for me. It's like half of the gravity on earth.

Wonder if they will "fix" this or if someone makes a mod. What do you guys think?


Similarly, the weird momentum and floaty turning when in third person, which doesn't match up at all the how y feels in first person. It's whack, and makes me (someone who almost always prefers playing games in third person) play almost exclusively in first person. It's especially jarring coming from something like a FromSoft game where the movement is very snappy and responsive. (Also plz for the love of God let me dodge forward)

4 hours ago, DropkickGoose said:

Similarly, the weird momentum and floaty turning when in third person, which doesn't match up at all the how y feels in first person.

Yes, Third Person is the "accessibility mode" here. The game was designed with First Person in mind, and third person is made to match First Person Movement - as such it is more clunky, and game wasn't designed with it in mind.

I wish there was a seperate button for dodge (and perhaps that we could dodge if we are close to the ground). As it is I find dodging a bit clunky, and it doesn't always fire - though often due to me not letting "forward" go in time.

I don't have issue with jumping - ledge climbing is perhaps a bit too generous and feels goofy at times, but otherwise I think the game feels great to control. That said I don't find it "immersive" to begin with. It's very arcady experience, so to me jump doesn't stick out as unusual.

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