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There is a molar in the upper yard  near the pond and the ladybird cave that is underground in some water in a tooth. Hammers can't be used underwater so I am unable to get this molar which is one of the last I need before I can move on to remix2. Hopefully you can fix this soon and hopefuuly I don't have to wait a few weeks before I can remix again. Thanks.


It's in a broken white PVC pipe in upper yard near the pond. I can't remix till you guys fix this so basically my games on hold until then.  Not sure why no one seen this. Also any reply would be nice, you know like were aware of the issue or something


Hey Doc

I'm sorry about this rogue molar that can't be accessed. I recommend submitting a support ticket and we'll work with you to investigate the issue. 

Obsidian Support

Please include the following details:

  1. Platform (Xbox Console, PC Game Pass, PC Steam, PS5, PS4, Nintendo Switch).
  2. Multiplayer or Single Player Game (if multiplayer, can you tell us how many players in total in the game, and their platforms if known)
  3. Difficulty level
  4. Description of issue.
  5. Last thing you did in the game before the issue occurred, if applicable.



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