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My friend and i started playing Grounded multiplayer together recently, but every 15 minutes he keeps disconnecting for no apparent reason.
Even if we stand still in our base for 10 mins, he disconnects.

If anyone has a fix, that'd be great, we try anything at this point, it's so damn annoying.
We're both on PC and on steam.


Hey NovaBE0309

I understand how frustrating it can be to get kicked out of the game and ruin the flow of the fun. Does this happen if you and your friend start a new game? If it doesn't it could be something going on in your world. 

Can you please submit a support ticket if it isn't too much trouble? Once we have your report, we'll work with you on investigating the issue and getting all the vital information to our QA team. 

Obsidian Support



It still happens in a new world. We started from scratch too and it happened from the very beginning.
There is also no error message or anything. All it says is that the host left the game or we lost connection.
I assume it has to do with the grounded servers because both of our internet is fine and never had any issues with it.
I'll attempt in making a ticket if i can figure out how to do so lol.
Thank you in advance for a reply


We got same problem with my friends, the one who is hosting is fine, the joining ones always get kicked. 
We tried to create different worlds, shared ones, not shared still same problem.
We have been waiting for this fix for about a year, we get hopes up in the updates that were realeased that the issue would have been fixed, but still same thing happens.


I got same problem whit my friends when we try to play the game, joining ones always gets kicked

we tried some other things to fix it but it didnt worked.

my and my friend are whaiting for about one and a half year for this problem to be fixed.


This is an ongoing problem since early acces. Many people are having these connectivity issues, where the host is fine, but those that join get kicked. They tried to find what causes this, but couldn’t find anything. So people who are experiencing these disconnects are basically screwed, because here we are, more than a year later, and this problem still persists. It seems they are unable to fix this. Each update I’m hopeful, but alas…

  • 2 weeks later...

This is happening to me frequently as well and the issue is hard to repro as the variables are unknown.

I have tried adding various NAT Port Forwarding suggestions from third-party sites to both my PC (client) and the host PC. Note: The client and host PC in my situation may be in the same home, but we have seperate modems. Yes, we pay for two seperate modems. Yes, there are two physical modem devices. Just want to make sure I clear that up.

Here are the TCP and UDP ports that I have forwarded.

  • 3074-3076
  • 27015
  • 4500
  • 3544

Something to note. When I, the client, am kicked and I attempt to recconect WITHOUT restarting I am met with an error. Below is the flow I take to achieve it.

Multiplayer > Join Online Game > [Select Friend] > [Input Password] > "Joining Game..." + Spinning Loading Icon > "Host is loading a save" + Spinning Loading Icon > Connection Lost Notification: "You have lost connection to the host. The host either quit the game or lost connection."

If I restart the application, shown in the video below, I can join back onto the host without issue, but this happens frequently which makes the friction of quit/launch/join rather high.

Happy to add more ports to the NAT Forwarding if needed.


23 hours ago, FoxhoundFPS said:

This is happening to me frequently as well and the issue is hard to repro as the variables are unknown.

I have tried adding various NAT Port Forwarding suggestions from third-party sites to both my PC (client) and the host PC. Note: The client and host PC in my situation may be in the same home, but we have seperate modems. Yes, we pay for two seperate modems. Yes, there are two physical modem devices. Just want to make sure I clear that up.

Here are the TCP and UDP ports that I have forwarded.

  • 3074-3076
  • 27015
  • 4500
  • 3544

Something to note. When I, the client, am kicked and I attempt to recconect WITHOUT restarting I am met with an error. Below is the flow I take to achieve it.

Multiplayer > Join Online Game > [Select Friend] > [Input Password] > "Joining Game..." + Spinning Loading Icon > "Host is loading a save" + Spinning Loading Icon > Connection Lost Notification: "You have lost connection to the host. The host either quit the game or lost connection."

If I restart the application, shown in the video below, I can join back onto the host without issue, but this happens frequently which makes the friction of quit/launch/join rather high.

Happy to add more ports to the NAT Forwarding if needed.


I forgot to mention that I have 27031-27036 also forwardxed for TCP and UDP.

  • 4 weeks later...

I also recently bought the game and have been really trying with it as the game itself seems great but I get disconnected atleast once every 10 minutes. It's definitely not my Internet connection and I'd hate to give up on the game. We usually play on playstation but we've even got to the point of buying the pc version too to see if we have better luck but even that is letting us down

  • 3 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

I've had this issue since before the official release. Anyone who jobs the host is repeatedly kicked and before they are kicked there are small issues going on like not being able to place a blueprint or trying to pick up something that isn't there. I've never had any issues playing alone until recently. Now I am getting kicked while I'm playing alone. I'm on Xbox with a wired connection. I have no issues with any other games, multiplayer or otherwise. I live this game and I am trying to show it to someone who's never played before. They are not able to see this amazing game in all it's glory for the constant kicking of players! Please fix this issue. We love Grounded and we want to play it with other people. 

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