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Posted (edited)

I'm datamining skill checks and might end up cataloguing them. This seems to be the pertinent info:

"FullName": "Boolean IsSkillValue(Guid, Guid, Operator, Int32, Boolean, Boolean)",
"Parameters": [

Now, I am not sure what all the parameters represent.

First: ?
Second: Probably the skill. Two different checks (for different skills) on the same object had the same parameter on the first one but different here.
Third: Got it 😛
Fourth: The difficulty
Fifth: Seems to be whether Party Assist is allowed. The example is from a private talk with Wael, where I was unable to pass a skill check I would have beaten with PA, but able to beat two others that I could handle alone. Conversely, in a case where this was True, I had mixed success depending on the chance of the character I chose for it. The skill check was too high for anyone to beat alone, but also too high for some to beat even with PA, so it worked for a few characters.
Sixth: ?

Edited by omgFIREBALLS
Posted (edited)

You are correct about those parameters. More information can be found in Obsidian's modding documentation: https://eternity.obsidian.net/game-data-formats/conditionals#IsSkillValue

The first parameter is the GUID of the character whose the skill is checked ( "b1a8e901-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" is the player character). The sixth parameter pertains to scripted interactions and whether or not to show the "Skill Check Failed" message. (Doesn't do anything in other conversation types).

Edited by Kvellen
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Posted (edited)

Thanks a lot! Would then "005e9000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" for parameter 1 mean "whoever initiates the interaction"? Because that is what it's set to for an interaction where I had different success depending on who did it (not a scripted one).

Never mind, that's in the docs too ^^

Edited by omgFIREBALLS

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