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Any Harvesters of Gaun besides Xoti? Or anyone with Blessed Harvest?

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7 hours ago, Waski said:

that hat will not benefit (immu to RES affliction) or harm (-10 deflection) char that wores it, you need a summon with it to have a effect (phantom, monk duplicates)

Really? It says "all in 2.5m radius" that doesn't include the wearer? Stupid description...I've been wearing it the whole game, coming up on DLC material. 

I did notice mirror image applied the deflection debuff to myself, I assume it would also do the immunity to resolve? Maybe that's why sometimes it seems to work and sometimes not, must have had mirror image up when it worked...

What about Effigy's Husk with the might immunity? I've definitely lost might inspirations while wearing it, though it is fairly uncommon. I think it gets procced from attacks that do multiple debuffs, but not sure. Combat log is next to useless when you can't pause and everything has a ? by it.


Man I didn't know you could import characters with items...how is a new player supposed to know about this stuff?

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If I'm not totally misremembering things then Cap of the Laughingstock's effects also apply to the wearer. I use it on the same guy who's wearing Ngati's Tusk from time to time in order to bring down all defenses, including deflection - in an auto-hit-AoE by 10 or more - and one disadvantage was that the wearer also loses those 10 points of deflection. 

Beneficial auras that do not work on the wearer that come to mind are the stealth/RES one from that split cape right at the harbor in Queen's Berth (forgot the name of the cape) and the +1 AR one from the Last Defense tower shield found in Crookspur. 


I do not know about Effigy's Husk and its immunity issues. I have little experience with it bc. I rarely use it. 


I believe it is written somewhere in the export-char UI or the import-char UI that you can export/import your chars including items, but it's not very obvious unfortunately.

Edited by Boeroer
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On 12/27/2022 at 2:01 AM, Boeroer said:

If I'm not totally misremembering things then Cap of the Laughingstock's effects also apply to the wearer. I use it on the same guy who's wearing Ngati's Tusk from time to time in order to bring down all defenses, including deflection - in an auto-hit-AoE by 10 or more - and one disadvantage was that the wearer also loses those 10 points of deflection. 

Beneficial auras that do not work on the wearer that come to mind are the stealth/RES one from that split cape right at the harbor in Queen's Berth (forgot the name of the cape) and the +1 AR one from the Last Defense tower shield found in Crookspur. 


I do not know about Effigy's Husk and its immunity issues. I have little experience with it bc. I rarely use it. 


I believe it is written somewhere in the export-char UI or the import-char UI that you can export/import your chars including items, but it's not very obvious unfortunately.

Just in case Cap of the Laughing Stock only worked with summons or duplicates, I altered my script to keep up mirror image at all times.

I STILL lost my courageous inspiration in the fight with Guardian of Ukaizo. Pretty sure wasn't from the auto rest because brilliant/energized were still up and in general time-based buffs I've extended to near infinity through cheese survive rests. Also in the video I cast psychovampiric shield but "steadfast" didn't pop up, meaning another buff was already up when cast. Think it was an attack called "Corrosive Strike" which happens at 1:26:15 and also kills Energized and Aware. I didn't see the red --Courageous--  but the next time I cast psychovampiric shield at 1:26:39 it did say "steadfast" so I had no resolve up and never saw a red --steadfast-- either. The script I wrote also keeps up psychovampiric shield at all times.

I screwed up that battle pretty badly. Closest I came in the run to dying. Only did that fight once before, because on the parallel run I forgot I had "no forced rests" mod up and the battle seemed easy, so I didn't bother practicing it. So I started with my stats lower than they were normally, no dawnstar's blessing etc or any other rest buff (didn't realize I'd been forced to rest until already started the fight), decided to let the script handle the fight and it focused mostly on the adra animats and just let the guardian attack me. Normally my defenses and healing are so high it doesn't really matter. Also should have worn Effigy's Husk. Wore Magnera's Chain which is my default because of the +10 fort/will (and reflex, but who cares about reflex). So losing Energized was bad for multiple reasons, no longer interrupted the Guardian and lost the +2 pen so was underpenetrating. Had no source of might in my hands. The "Obliterate Essence" attack apparently hits several times, and although one missed and I resisted one I still got maimed (and proned, I think). 

Anyway. I eventually prevailed. Got hit with an arcane dampener during trivial fight with RDC though. Only one that hit me the whole run I think lol. My script cleared it pretty fast so was fine. Have lethandria's devotion in slot 1, outworn buckler in slot 2, squid's grasp and xoti's lantern in slot 3, script auto shuffles slot 1 and slot 2 if I lose all my inspirations at once and have no summoned weapon (which generally only happens from arcane dampener). 

Would have been pretty nasty to lose an ultimate run on Ukaizo...

Pretty long run by comparison to most, 47 hours and 75 in-game days. I went out of my way to kill things and do quests I didn't have to, didn't take the best pathing etc.

Youtube still processing videos. Guess I'll submit it to Obsidian when that finishes (assuming they still veryify ultimate runs), then post a build guide. Will be my first, you've done what, like 100? lol. 

Was pretty fun but kinda stressful. The worst part about an ultimate run is probably having to video everything. Worst Magran's fire challenge is Wael. Definitely Wael. I mean not the hardest but the most annoying. Can't tell how much money you have, your defenses etc., makes combat log very hard to read doing ? damage and combined with Magran almost impossible. Hardest trial is Hylea, though after you get used to taking care of Vela it isn't that bad. Woedica/Eothas combination also pretty bad, and combined with Hylea really limits class selection. 

EDIT: Figured out where I lost courageous, was in the Fonferrus encounter. Lucia Rivan has some kind of aura that isn't shown in the combat log but when she walked toward me I saw the red --courageous--. I didn't notice it at the time because I was busy casting withdraw on Vela. I didn't have mirror image up yet. Lucia immediately charged me. My buff routine is pretty fast (.2 second casts, like third cast) but wasn't fast enough here. So pretty sure Cap of the Laughingstock does not apply the deflection debuff or resolve immunity unless you have some kind of duplicate up (which includes mirror image). Should maybe move mirror image to be first thing to cast, before deleterious. At least for that encounter. Alternatively if I could figure out how to script casting withdraw on vela this wouldn't happen either, but I have to do it manually which is not very efficient. I've tried casting withdraw on ally but she isn't considered an ally apparently...

AND the reason I didn't see STEADFAST when I cast psychovampiric shield in the Guardian encounter was because it missed, which is rather rare, but I had just lost nature's resolve, konstanten's boon, alchemic guile, etc.. I tried casting psychovampiric shield any time I don't have a resolve inspiration with no cooldown but sometimes it targets destructibles repeatedly and other weird behavior, plus rapidly draining focus (not that this matters this late in the game), so I put in a delay between casts. Oh well, one mystery solved. Still pretty sure Effigy's Husk does not always work but it didn't fail me in this run.

Edited by Shai Hulud
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in case it is not known: if you put Outworn Buckler in weapon set 1 and the copy of the Outworn Buckler in the 2nd weapon set (and then switch between 1 and 2) you can clear hostile effects with half the switches -  compared to a setup where the Buckler is in 1 and something else in 2. Maybe that's useful when you can't pause and want to keep the switching jitters to a minimum.

This also works with Lethandria's Devotion. Switching from original to copy and back gives you health each time you switch, reducing the needed switches to heal a certain amount by half. 

I don't mean a second instance of the item via export/import or so, I mean the convenient copy function for weapons when you want to create different weapon sets but with the same item (e.g. sabre + shield and mace with the same shield).


Edited by Boeroer
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29 minutes ago, Boeroer said:

in case it is not known: if you put Outworn Buckler in weapon set 1 and the copy of the Outworn Buckler in the 2nd weapon set (and then switch between 1 and 2) you can clear hostile effects with half the switches -  compared to a setup where the Buckler is in 1 and something else in 2. Maybe that's useful when you can't pause and want to keep the switching jitters to a minimum.

This also works with Lethandria's Devotion. Switching from original to copy and back gives you health each time you switch, reducing the needed switches to heal a certain amount by half. 

I don't mean a second instance of the item via export/import or so, I mean the convenient copy function for weapons when you want to create different weapon sets but with the same item (e.g. sabre + shield and mace with the same shield).


Thanks for pointing this out. I discovered the copy function by accident but yeah it is not well documented. I used it for squid's grasp mostly.

I did lethandria's devotion and outworn buckler for two reasons, first because that was my default fighting shield when I remembered to switch from my default exploring shield (xoti), and second so I'd be healed while clearing the effect. I guess removing the effect faster could be even better as it restores my passive healing faster, but IDK if worth it in my case as the shield outworn buckler is otherwise not that good. Lethandria comes superb, has the healing passive + crit damage reduction, and good upgrades in combat. I like lustrous crystal because getting dominated is very very bad, and sheltering light for the defense buff. Though knowing this game it doesn't actually give ME the defense buff unless I have some kind of duplicate up. Also the passive for medium shield (block) is better than the passive for small shield (binding block) IMO. 

Once I had 3 weapon slots I'd typically use squid's grasp + lethandria in slot 1 (default fighting), various weapon + outworn buckler in slot 2 (upgraded with symbol of courage and timeless perseverance), squid's grasp + xoti's lantern in slot 3 (which I'd use while exploring). The alternate weapon was just some other form of damage or something I was trying to proc, e.g. resounding call. 

I could have used an ability for the extra weapon set. I did have one extra point in the build that was kinda free. If I had 4 weapon sets I'd default to xoti's lantern, lethandria, and 2x outworn buckler.

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