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Thrown Weapon Marker

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Hello Devs and Survivors.

I am well aware this has been spoken about in the past but it cannot hurt to push more awareness for a feature.


As the title above suggests I'm addressing thrown weapons and how incredibly difficult they are to locate once they leave your hand.

Honestly this goes for anytime a weapon leaves your hand wether it's Gnats or wether youve chosen to huck your spear for a high damage finishing move.

My suggestion is to drastically increase the range of the waypoint leading you to said weapon. I'm talking like seeing a weapon marker in the pond from the picnic table. Now what if you can't get a weapon and the icon just sits there forever taunting you.

Automatically picking up lost items outside of combat that came from your hotbar is my next humble suggestion with a small active radius around the player to help obtain weapons and tools that have found themselves in...less that accessible places due to phyics.

For example I just lost my Spear outside of a Boss arena because I speared an enemy and when the bug was harvested my spear skittered behind the mesh in the wall. If I had auto pick up with like a 5ft radius I could have obtained the spear from behind the wall and faired better in the fight.


Thank you for your time and consideration.

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