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The Orb Weaver Jr. enemies in the hedge lab deal massively amplified damage compared to normal orb weavers. With my armor, orb weavers deal about 5-10% of my healthbar per hit. Orb weaver Jr's deal around 80-90% of my health bar per hit. I feel like this must be unintended behavior that the weaker version deals way, way, WAY more damage than the stronger version.

I'm playing on XBox One if that matters.

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-Hello Knight9910

I'm sorry that the Orb Weaver Jr.'s seem to be doing more damage than they are supposed to. Can you please submit a bug report with a clip? Please keep in mind that the Jr.'s should be doing more damage since they can't control their venom yet, but not as much damage as you described above. 

https://support.obsidian.net/contact and include the following information:

1. Platform (Xbox Console, PC Game Pass, PC Steam).
2. Multiplayer or Single Player Game (if multiplayer, can you tell us how many players in total in the game, and their platforms if known)
3. Description of issue.
4. Last thing you did in the game before the issue occurred, if applicable.

Once we get your report we'll investigate the issue further. 



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