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Another KOTOR preview

Is it getting harder to not get to hyped about KOTOR 2?  

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  1. 1. Is it getting harder to not get to hyped about KOTOR 2?

    • I can't take it ANYMORE!
    • Must resist!
    • No way.

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The preview says ending "trees" which I take to mean they can branch off.


Might there be more than two endings? That in and of itself would be an improvement.


However Akari's comments have me doubting the validity of this preview. The media have spouted BS about this game before and this preview has loads of new info not seen elsewhere.


Who is the source?

I do like what it sounds like that implies though. i.e. You have a 'light' tree and a 'dark' tree. Therefore if you decide to redeem yourself at the very end when you've been playing as a child of the dark the entire game, you have an ending that places you as a sort of outcast, the Jedi don't trust you because of your dark past, but the Sith won't accept you because you handed the galaxy back to the Jedi. Sounds cool to me. ;)

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got this from the fourms over at www.starwarsknights.com

I'm curious as to what the original source of that preview was? Was that someone's comments in the forum itself? Or did they get it from somewhere else?


While a lot of the stuff written there seems pretty accurate, there's a few things that are news to me. I won't list specifics, but some of those things would require programming changes I haven't been told about, yet would fall into the category of things I tend to take care of. As such, unless there's a reliable source cited for that preview, I'd be skeptical of some of its contents. Of course, I was off Friday, so who knows what might've changed in a day! ;)



Well the fourm guy who sned it said he typed it up from a Xbox mag preview.

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The preview says ending "trees" which I take to mean they can branch off.


Might there be more than two endings?  That in and of itself would be an improvement.


However Akari's comments have me doubting the validity of this preview.  The media have spouted BS about this game before and this preview has loads of new info not seen elsewhere.


Who is the source?

That's what I was thinking when I heard of the "trees". In the interiew posted earlier in this thread, MCA goes on to say.

"The current game mechanic we

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