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Cant place anything but walls and floors in MP sometimes and chest become invisible

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After last patch Im unable place anything but walls and floors in MP sometimes. I would select Item and then it would show no object  I right click to cancel and the game crashes. If I go back into menu instead of right clicking and select a wall or floor it will show it and works then go back to any other object and try it wont work. If i do that a couple of times it will show me the object at some point that i do want, But I must never right click to cancel or game will crash. Oh and it happens to other players in my game.

All so other players cant see my chest and some other object randomly but you can still use them if you remember where they are.


Edited by Monkeybiscuits
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2 hours ago, Monkeybiscuits said:

All so other players cant see my chest and some other object randomly but you can still use them if you remember where they are.

That's a known issue they're looking into.


Xbox One X

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