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Please disable enemy disengagement health reset T-T

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I've been playing this game for a few hours now and I found that if an enemy can't get to you they quickly disengage and reset their health.
The main problem with that is that you can't use ranged weapons, traps or stealth. And that the enemy can attack you once, causing major damage and then reset their health due to you dodging to a nearby crevice or rock.

I had multiple engagements with spiders that ended up with me wasting time on making an elaborate trap to funnel the spider through spikes, only to have the spider either just run away resetting it's health or get stuck on the spikes with infinite health due to the health reset. It's neither fun nor engaging. I find that the only real way to fight in this game is using melee, playing 007 (the game where kids choose whether to reload, shoot, or defend after tapping their knees twice).

Please allow emergent gameplay by disabling any and all enemy health reset.
Health regen is fine though. A spider that I attacked a few moments ago shouldn't be half dead when I get back to him a while later. But if I died to it it can have a regen boost that can bring him back up a little, but not necessarily entirely since even the player lost something due to dying and respawning (mainly the inventory, durability and consumables).

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33 minutes ago, SolomonKhane said:

But if I died to it it can have a regen boost that can bring him back up a little, but not necessarily entirely since even the player lost something due to dying and respawning (mainly the inventory, durability and consumables).

Overall all sounds sound except the bit above. Wouldn’t that encourage brute forcing your way through enemies? (Killing in multiple attempts) also wouldnt it be fair if enemies respawed right after you killed them and had a go at revenge? 

I imagine that the biggest challenge could be having to track individual bugs and their health status. Health is something that possibly gets “forgot” as enemy goes out of certain range. 

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