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I have seen this question all over the forums but no answer. I am no longer able to load any recent saves from the main menu on PS4. I have one manual save for the mission ”At Central” and one autosave for “Cupid of that Laboratory” but (Ver 1.00) just froze the main menu with the music still playing. The only save I could open and play is called “[System Save - Leaving Emerald Valley] at level 8, 20 hours prior to my most recent save.

After updating to version 1.01 attempts to load the aforementioned saves would result in the following error E-B51D0002. Now after uninstalling the game and reinstalling leaving it at version 1.00 the saves will just be ignored and return to the main menu as if selecting them did nothing at all and when selecting the system save crashes the application. Updating to version 1.01 once again just gave me to same error. 

I’ve updated the PS4 software, shut down/ restarted the PS4 Several times and have deleted and installed the game three times. But the saves will still not load. Any help will be appreciated that you very much. 




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, PonkeyLong.

I'm sorry for the late reply. To expedite your issue, if haven't done so already, we ask that you please visit http://privatedivision.com/support and report the issue there. This will get your issue into our publisher's queue to ensure the fastest possible turn around time. Again, I apologize for the late reply and thank you for your patience.


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