savageplay Posted December 3, 2018 Posted December 3, 2018 OK i have a group of fairly inexperienced players and we are going to be leveling soon and want them to get some outside help with character building. We are mostly using the Players handbook, Advanced player's guide, Ultimate Intrigue, Horror Adventures. I will consider outsider sources but don't want things to get to complicated. Here is a link to the character sheets and a rough description below of each character ------- Vogel Drow Noble Witch (Patron?) 1st level + Archmagi Debuffer & offensive spells Str 10 Dex 22 Con 14 Wis 16 Int 20 Cha 17 Planes +9, Arcana +9, Religion +10, Nature +9, History +9, Nobility +6, Spellcraft +9, Intimidation +7, linguistics +6 Hex: Evil Eye, Feat: Extra Hex (Cackle), Mythic Spell, Coupled Arcana, wild magic Mythic Spells: Ill Omen* Crow Familiar (Weapon Finesse & Fly By Attack) Next Level: Craft wand feat, UMD 2 ranks actions Free: Coupled Arcana - Spell, Familiar Swift: Wild Arcana, Surge Standard: Hex, spell Move: Cackle Nathanos Drow Noble Cleric + Hierophant Necromancer + Plotter Str 14 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 18 Wis 20 Cha 20 Stealth +6, Sense Motive +9, Bluff +9, Religion +8, Spellcraft +8, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +11, Domains: Trickery + Darkness ? Selective Channel, Mythic Selective Channel (Negative Energy) Inspire Spell, Alter Channel 4 Bloody Skelton - Hobgoblins with armor, sword and Shield and bow) Next Level: Command Undead, (at 5th level Swift Channel) actions Free: Commands to Undead Minions Swift: Wild Magic, Surge Standard: Spells, Attack, Selective Channel Move: Copycat (50% Miss chance) Chapel Drow Noble Gunslinger + Champion/trickster (pistols) Sexy/Social & DPS Str 10 Dex 22 Con 12 Int 18 Wis 17 Cha 20 Bluf +9, Craft +8, Intimidate +9, Engineering +8, Perception +9, Ride +10, Sleight Hand +10, Survival +7, UMD +10 Traits. Warrior of old, dangerously curious Rapid reload, Legendary Item (Craft Item & Bullets) Surprise strike + Display of Cha Future: Point Blank shot, (5th level Rapid Shot) actions Free: Reload (Pistols - Alchemical Cartridge), Display of Cha Swift: Reload (Pistols) Surprise Strike , Surge Standard: Attack Move: Quick Clear (miss fire) Lady Rapier Drow Noble Sorcerer (Draconic) + Archmagi Diplomatic/Social Blaster & Enchantment spells mostly Str 10 Dex 22 Con 13 Int 18 Wis 16 Cha 20 Bluff +9, Arcana +8, Spellcraft +8, UMD +9, fly +10, intimate +9, perception +9 Weapon finesse, mythic weapon finesse Wild Magic + Coupled Arcana Spells: Mage armor, color spray, burning hands/magic missle... actions Free: Coupled Arcana - Spell, claws Swift: Wild Arcana, Surge Standard: spell, attack Move: full attack- claws Drow Alchemist + trickster Str 10 Dex 22 Con 14 Cha 17 Int 20 Wis 16 Craft Alchemy +12, Disable Device +12, nature +9, Arcana +9, Perception +9, Sleight of Hand +10, Spellcraft +9, Survival +7, UMD +7 (+1 sp) Traits: warrior of the old way, accelerated Drinker Weapon Finesse, Mythic Weapon Finesse Surprised strike + assured Drinker Extracts: Cure Light wounds, Shield, True Strike, Enlarge Person, disguise self, identify, detect undead, expeditious retreat actions Free: Swift: surprised strike, Surge, drink & retrieve item Standard: Attack, bomb, extract, mutagen, potion Move: drink, retrieve item Alistine Drow Noble Bard + Trickster Player wants to be Intelligent based, Artillerist? Str 16 Dex 18 Con 13 Int 20 Wis 12 Cha 20 Arcana +10, Dungeoneering +10, Local +10, geography +10, History +10, Nature +10, Planes +10, Religion +10, Perform +10, Perception +7, Stealth +8, Spellcraft +9 Arcane Strike, Mythic Arcane Strike* Advance, free bard song/ int bonus Treasure: Mighty Masterwork Shortbow, masterwork Arrows 20, Drow Poison x5, Scrolls (4), Rapier, Scorpion Whip, Chain Shirt, Feats: Point Blank, (5th level Rapid Shot) actions Free: display of int Swift: Arcane Strike*, Surge, Surprise Strike Standard: Bardsong, Spell, Attack Move:
Amentep Posted December 5, 2018 Posted December 5, 2018 I'm moving this to our section on general pen and paper games, since it doesn't seem to be about the Pathfinder Adventures Mobile Card Game ap that Obsidian developed. I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man
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