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I broke the game and don't know how



I am playing the game on a PC with all the DLCs and mega bosses. I got to the end where the queen told me to go to Ukaizo and her fleet would back me up. This is the fourth time I have played the game so I know what is supposed to happen now, but it didn't. When I got to the waiting pirate ships they ignored me, even if I ran into them. I could go through the storm to Ukaizo with no problem and I could even get the city map to appear though it would not respond to my input. How do I fix the ending?

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Went back five saves to when I beat the giant ooze and it still failed. Didn't want to go back any farther because that was a tough fight and I didn't want to have to do it again.

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I have reported this to Obsidian and sent them a save file plus the link to this post. The good news is they were able to duplicate the problem. Now waiting for them to fix it. That makes two of us now so there are probably more.

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This is also happening to me. If I complete the 'blow up the powderhouse' quest for the Huana and report to the queen, the script to enter Ukiazo will not start, Principi ships ignore me, etc. BUT, if I reload to before I complete the quest for the Huana I can enter the shrouded area near Ukaizo as if I'm doing it alone and the scripted event will start. I have not even beaten the game... Guess I'll do it solo so I can actually see the ending...

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Now at least 3 of us. I have not heard back yet from Obsidian, so I restarted the game and will see if it completes normally.

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We've checked out the issue and we're working on a fix, probably for version 4.0.1.  If you have the problem where the fleet ships in the channel are ignoring you and you would like to use cheats to fix your game right now, you can enter the command "SetTriggerEnabled Trigger_Point_of_No_Return true" while on the world map and then sail through the Ofecchia Channel again.

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