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So im trying to breath some life back into the game for myself but cant seem to get into it. I soloed the game with a beserker/kind wayfarer on potd. Ive been playimg alot with evoker/kindwayfarer but my ultimate battlemage idea keeps failing to penetrate enemy dr. Basically ending up as a tank that charges in and then hits archers and weak enemies at range with bolts.


So im tryimg something new. Im gonna role play a the wiscracking embodiment of chaos. He means well but rules just are not his style. I want a character that just destroys everyone's carefully laid plans and then moves in for the kill.

Im torn between devoted/ trixter, devoted/illusionist, ascendant/illusionist, ascendent/trixter, streetfighter/illusionist, or maybe beguiler/trixter.


The last would probably shut down enemies better then anyone but casting time on cyper abilities seems to tske forever. Street fighter/illusionist would synergize well but that slow action speed untill surrounded gets annoying as heck. I tried a goldpack/trixter and it absolutelt kicked ass but doesnt fit what im going for. Looking for inspiration guys. Chaotic mayhem and dps are the goals.

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Barbarian (no subclass or Berzerker) provides both - lots of action speed buffs, increased PEN and hit to crit if you go Berzerker, and an AoE terrify(chaotic mayhem)+stagger+frost nuke in the form of Spirit Frenzy. Then pair it with another class of your liking to supplement your defenses/single target/both.

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