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[2.0] destroying grub nests at end of old city does not prevent grublings from spawning



Was having a lot of trouble with the final Giant Cave Grub fight at the end of the Old City so decided to stealth Ydwin to take out the grub nests ahead of time. Did so, quicksaved, and then initiated fight. To my frustration, grublings still spawn from where the nests used to be and come attack me, making it a pointless exercise. I know the Giant Cave Grub spawns some grubs throughout the fight, and there are two that spawn immediately at the start of the fight, so I'm talking exclusively about the grublings that spawn from the two grub nests in the back of the room.


Parenthetically, I find it surprising that The Cornett's Call doesn't give me any skull indicators when attempting it at level 6-7 (from an old data dump it is a level 8 quest). Boy no matter how many deadfire playthroughs I do, unless I'm level 8+ that final Cave Grub Fight is brutal on PotD level with scaling up now that charmed gets dispelled upon first attack.


Here's a dropbox link to a save right before the Cave Grub Fight: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xaz857g6s75zfbg/AADTWVsznguoeDsSAFdyghvza?dl=0


No output_log because I long since abandoned that attempt until I'm higher level.


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