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Xauript Grubmaster spams Marked for the Hunt indefinitely



So as the title suggests, I will on occasion have Xauript Grubmasters spam Marked for the Hunt on a single character for the entirety of the fight. Extended combat log with the culprit in shot in the screenshot below. I'm pretty sure I've encountered it before with non Xauript rangers, but can't recall when/where. I only know this one as I've encountered it many times while testing builds on hired adventurers against the pack to the west of Neketaka.


Clearly a scripting issue, but also implies that they either have infinite resources, or certain skills they have don't cost resources.


Edit: Sorry, the Xauript pictured isn't the one spamming, he's further to the right. But the combat log is all you really need to see lol.


Edit 2: Recorded a short video showing the issue


Edited by thundercleese
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Okay so I did a little further testing, and it seems to only happen if there is only one target available. As soon as I send in a second party member, he will apply the Mark to that character then continue with his normal rotation. Also if I send in the whole party he just applies it to two characters then continues straight away.


What's interesting though is that there are two grubmasters in this encounter, yet the second one will just apply it twice then move on, regardless of number of combatants.


Here's the save: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ccjzl59wyz9gd4a/Tigger_%25287af86177-abb5-49a2-abfa-f59c884672de%2529_autosave_1.savegame/file

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