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[Pet Location] Anyone ever find the Newly-formed Wisp? (Now found, details inside)

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Wanted to find most/all of the pets in the game (gotta keep Eder happy, after all) and I believe I know how to get 65/66 of the pets in the game one of them, the Sky Dragon Wurm, requires a specific choice from PoE I :getlost: ). 


But try as I might as I scour Google, I can't find any reference to where one can find the Newly-formed Wisp.  Couple of people were asking after it, but no answers as near as I can tell.


So, basically asking if anyone has found it in their play-throughs and if so, were. :)

Edited by Zap Gun For Hire
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Should have done this first.  Found a reference to it in the scripted interaction with with the delemgan in the Blighted Bog on the island that has the Ruins of Amira's Roost.


Looks to be a pretty specific choice, and fairly deep into the game


*follows the node structure*


Ah.  Have to threaten the delemgan with an Intimidate check ["When I'm done burning this place there won't even be cinders left."]


Watcher only check of 15 to pass.  Once it's passed, the delemgan will offer it as a peace offering (the Watcher still has to accept it, so it's not automatically given to the party).


No wonder many people haven't found it. :lol:


*fires up game*

*cheats up Intimidate to 15*


Yep. Works:




So for folks stumbling upon this via Google, here's your answer.  :thumbsup:

Edited by Zap Gun For Hire
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Ahhhh! That sounds like an aggressive conversation option...


What is the party effect?


Never mind, I checked it out. No disposition comes with the action, and the party effect is +5 accuracy vs. spirits.


Further info: The intimidate check allows party assist. Simply killing them won't give you the pet or anything else cool. And lastly, there's a hilariously naïve conversation option available here if you ate the mushroom you receive as a peace offering from the delemgan north of Tikawara.

Edited by omgFIREBALLS
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