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Hey everyone,


I am waiting for the new patch to balance difficulty then I plan on making a ranged cipher build. I want to do some sort of glass cannon cipher who can do some good damage and have some cool abilities.


I am sure there are threads on this, but what are some powerful choices? 



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No idea where the nerf hammer will hit, so it may all change but:

Cipher + Rogue + Ranged (pistols or bludnerburst). Cipher has some eneblers for sneak attacks like eyestrike or phantom foes. If you go assasin that encourages rifles (without backstabs). Rogue has devastating blow which could result is high spikes of dmg.


CIpher + Monk + Blunderbursts - Using swift attacks could result in a lot of crits. Also Monk could provide stuff like high inteligence or affiliation clean. Or kick out enemies who bother you up close. Very strong option.


Cipher + Bleak Walker - invest in Flames of Devotion, Sworn Enemy and Inspiring Beacon. You will load up very fast.


Generally best for cipher is martial class, with spike dmg.

Barbarians are a bit melee focused.

Fighters are better, since you can drive your accuracy high and use Penetrating strike as your burst ability.



Soul Blade - is more for melee

Beguiler - you dont really benefit that much from MC, also subclass not very good.

Ascendant - could be very good if you have good spike dmg (Paladin)

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