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Found 4 results

  1. The game simply zooms in the screen when using an ultrawide resolution rather than expanding the FOV. The game is unplayable in ultrawide until this is fixed. Not sure if this was an oversight, bug, or fully intended but it really ruins the experience. DxDiag.txt
  2. Hello there my little droogs, I'm having a problem finding where to change the resolution to 3440x1440. I've read forums where people are complaining about not getting ultrawide in cinematics but I'm not bothered about that as long as I can play the game in the right resolution, because as it stands I have the following options: Fullscreen 2560x1440 max res; Windowed fullscreen 2752x1152 fixed (greyed out); Windowed 1835x1146 max res. Is there an option to play it at the proper resolution by normal means i.e. just in the graphics options, and if not, is there another way like altering the .ini files? At this point in the game most modern releases have the option for ultrawide monitors so it seems a bit odd that I'm not seeing the option. Oh and I'm playing it through Xbox Game Pas like I suspect a lot of you are (£1 for the first month ;b). Many thanks! Over and out . . .
  3. Hi, there isn't an option for 3440x1440 in my graphics settings so i can only use 2560x1440 with my ultrawide monitor while just playing the game, nevermind cinematics, I'm not bothered about their res or aspect ratio. Anybody know if there is a mode in the game? Thanks
  4. The tutorial panel that floats in and out from the screen is always visible in 3440x1440 resolution. You can see it on the top right side of the screen https://imgur.com/NIQEwFl
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