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Found 2 results

  1. Hello guys! According to the official Pillars of Eternity 2 Wikia , there is a peaceful solution of the quest "A shrewd proposition". "Alternate - Confront Kua with evidence of illegal slaving" So, as it sais, you can confront Master Kua with evidence of illegal slaving and make him leave. Now, anyone succeeded with that? Is it really possible? I'm pretty sure I did everything according to the above-mentioned description, but still, it doesn't work. What have I done? Meet/talk with Aeldys agent (evidence #1) - check Go to the sea cave/prison undetected - check Talk with the Huana, but don't let them free yet - check Enter the fort peacefully - check Gain audience with Kua - check (I remained silent during the auction and then I gained the audience via Auctioneer Marcca) Dialog with Kua: 1st - "Does he know you're trading illegally" - check 2nd - I told him I have spoken with the Wahaki (evidence #2) And this is where it goes wrong. According to the official wiki, here I will require a streetwise 5 check. Me personally has 4, but with my team's help, it should be enough. I also tried using oil of allure (+2 streetwise, which makes it 6), still with no success. So, I just can't make him leave, there is no option to speak with him about leaving. Did I do anything wrong? Is it really possible to make him leave? Any ideas? Thx
  2. I was on my ship after a random fight on the sea right after solving problems on Hasongo (I lit the adra without killing naga). When the game loaded me to the ship (its interior area) after the fight, I started talking to my crew (Aloth's quest jumped to another stage (something about painting faces tribe), Xoti, Pallegina, Mia, Eder). Finally I've reached Serafen. He started yelling on me about "the case with slavery and slaves!". I was like, "hey, what just happened? did I move the quest with slavery somehow accidentally?". I've searched Journal and couldn't find the quest related. When I finally reached Picer's Island and A Shrewd Proposition quest got updated, I realized that Serafen yelled on me without any reason.
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