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Found 2 results

  1. Wouldn't it be nice if there were throwing weapons in the game? I was playing the other day and picked up a hatchet and not knowing that you can't throw it,tried throwing it. I also said to myself "where are the grenades"???? I also would like to see that pathetic excuse of a hunting rifle based on a 19th Century rifle with a telescopic scope ,beefed up with a proper marksmen stock and a decent scope. Seriously who designs a scope with just a 2x view? There are also variant of the rifle based on the Viet Nam era M-14 also. I have beginning to notice that Obsidian is using the game engine that the designed Fallout New Vegas with because everything in the Game looks like a mirror image of something from New Vegas. I also would like to see a robot workbench added and maybe a version of the Henry Rifle also added. The machine gun looks a lot like the M-240B or AKA the M-240 Bravo. I also like to see a variant of the Victor Securitron or something. The Automatrons look like the Centaur Bots From the Early Fallout Games and are extremely lethal also. I noticed the M1 Garand variant is strangely absent for some reason also. I would also like to see the rifles, both bolt-action and magazine-fed have an option for noscope or remeve scopes and other mods and switch between weapons or switch or remove mods entirely and re-add them when you change your mind like the weapons from Fallout 4. I also like to see an option for a heavy pistol with a long ported heavy frame that does a fair amount of damage. I also noticed the pistols are based off of any early prototype concept of the 10mm pistol. I also wished thre were some sort of jetpack or spring boots in the game so you can reach hard to reach areas and also safely decend from leathal heights. I have accidentally killed my character many times by jumping wrong. Wouldn't. It be cool if there was a mission in the game where you could aquire a newer bigger ship and also modify it . The interior is way too cramped and needs to be roomier. The Captain's Quarters could be bigger maybe a poker table so you and your crew have something fun to do. Ialso wish there was an option to switch Characters also. I actually found a way of keeping more than one save for characters,but at the moment it requires a manual save which can be a bit tedious or if you forget to save you will load your last save if you die etc. I really wish this could be encorperated into the auto-save feature or something. my most favorite LMG from the Fallout lore is th good old M-60 bull barrel with barrel-shroud jungle combat version of the M-60. I like it because it does higher damage compared to the M-240B, and is gas-operated too. I wish there was a variant of the M-60 in the game also. And maybe also a variant of th Desert Eagle that uses .50AE (Action Express) bullets. And also some kind of Anti-Tank or Anti-Personell weapon based off of the .50 Caliber SniperRifle and varies world-wide by nation.
  2. We've talked about the "drone doctrine" and runaway AI controlled guns going on killing sprees being the precursors of Skynet, but what do "robits" mean for the economy? https://medium.com/basic-income/self-driving-trucks-are-going-to-hit-us-like-a-human-driven-truck-b8507d9c5961 In a society that sees greater and greater mechanisation and automation, where does that leave the working population of that society in 30 years (if that) time? For every industrial revolution the world has undergone (and the lack of capitalisation of "industrial revolution" is intentional, as is the use of the plural), we've managed to see at least a new set of jobs around the new industries created that replace the jobs that were rendered obsolete on an almost 1:1 basis, and that manages to keep most of the general population employed. But in a notional future, how many people can be employed with the advent of autonomous production lines and 3D printers? Anecdote: I worked my way through college in retail and became acquainted with people who have had to do that for a living (plus 1 or 2 other jobs on top of that), frequently they were one catastrophe away from ruin. And after graduating from college I took up a position as a product photographer and photo retoucher for a fashion company that was very much production-oriented before finally getting promoted to a content artist. I was extremely grateful for that job since while I was able to be gainfully employed so soon after graduating (or at least get a position that had opportunities for growth, or gain experience as proof that I could be relied upon), I couldn't have said the same for about at least a fair portion of my graduating class. In the notional HAL-9000-oriented workforce of the future, what jobs for us squishy meatbags are left now that the only jobs on the market are CEOs, maintainers of HAL-9000, and his marketing team? I could definitely see that job I took up after college being done by a program in 20 years time (and there was already a great deal of automation being done with it, thanks to "Actions" in Photoshop) if it doesn't get shipped overseas before that, so some poor bastard who graduates from college will probably be SOL. Conservatively that can mean 25% unemployment; can our society function as it has with 1/4 of the working-age population idling about?
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