One thing I did encounter quite often in this game is that if I'm on a map/scene with a lot of particle effects (like fog, rain, biawac in the beginning, ...), the framerate drops tremendously. On native resolution (1920x1080) and AA off I run this game around 45-50 fps, but everytime the weather goes to rain for example I can be lucky if my fps stay above 30 fps. The same applies for scenes like the biawac in the beginning and every other "flashy" scene only that it goes down to like 19 fps and thats quite annoying in my opinion.
I don't know the exact reason for that, but I guess it has to do with the particles in the game and how they affect my CPU.
I'm curious if I'm the only one with this problem and I also wanna ask, if an option to turn down particle effect may solve it?