Got this thought in another thread, first of all, what is "Second Wind"?
In Borderlands and Guild Wars 2 this is a feature you can use to "get back in the field", basically it is you fighting with your dying breathe to get back into the game. It makes no sense really because:
A, I lost all of my health, yet I can still fight
B, When I kill an enemy in this mode, I get "Second Wind" and can return to the battlefield (with a portion of health returned)
C, If you fail to kill enemy during the time period you get "Game Over"/"Respawn".
D, It is super fun and great design (in other words, it doesn't matter in these action games if it makes sense or not)
As P:E isn't action based like GW2 or Borderlands, and with 6 party members, a "Second Wind" feature gets difficult to "implement". Instead, P:E would benefit from what I like to call a "Narrative Second Wind". What does this mean?
A, You entire party got knocked out unconscious by a group of Ogres
B, You wake up in another screen, you are in a pot and you are about to get cooked
C, Charm your way out of it to escape, or you get "Game Over".
D, In a game like P:E, with more depth attached to it, sense would have to play its part more than in an action game.
E, With a Narrative approach there are more ways to play with it, sent to Jail, stripped off all of your gear, you become a slave on a boat/camp/mansion, there's no end to the possibilities to what kind of "consequences" failing a Fight could get you thanks to being "Narrative". Perhaps you wake up on the shores of Dyrwood, with a narrative texts saying "You woke up at the bottom of the ocean". Etc. etc.
Personally I would like the B approach, but for some encounters (not every single encounter) but in some fights there is some sort of "Second Wind", an ability to win a fight after loosing the fight. Which is pretty much what the concept of Borderlands and Guild Wars 2 is going for (You won the fight whilst going down, never surrender! Which can be pretty epic).