Reading the newest installment of Armor and Weapon Design, a plea.
One thing coming to mind is a kind of a what if.
Going on a hunch, PE won't include horses and mounted combat.
Because then there'd be need to make mounted combat rules and stuff and lots more animations...
and there's really no huge profit for it anywhere.
So... what if the world doesn't have horses? Not just in view, but that they just are completely not there.
Obviously the lances and such are gone.
I'd guess longer pikes are gone as well, though I don't suppose they were never going to be in anyway.
But what else?
Armor and weapon design was driven by the existing reality, the reality being horsemen all around.
What kind of weapons and armor were designed to deal with cavalry, or used by cavalry?
Does an army that's not going to face cavalry and doesn't have one, look different than medieval armies did?