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Found 2 results

  1. hi, just registered here to ask a few questions. I've been playing Pillars of Eternity for a couple of weeks now. Let me start off with this one. I know this may be an old topic, but I kinda need help with one. I just so happen to check some information about the game, specifically Caed Nua. link over here: http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Caed_Nua#Adventures I noticed that there are special guests (bad and prestigious ones) that actually provide other conversation options. The ones i actually have in my keep now are Lord Byrnwigar (bad) and Lord Sidroc (prestigious). For Byrnwigar, I wanted to have the option of hanging him to actually gain +3 prestige and probably help Sidroc with some other things. However, whenever I try talking to them they never open a conversation window and only say one line. Sidroc doesn't have any other options in the Keep menu and Byrnwigar has only two: "Pay Off" and "Send Escort". I'm wondering if i'm missing something in the game's progress or if there's a bug. Any suggestions?
  2. I have a bug within my game. When I enter my Stronghold Keep, all of the NPCs inside (Hirelings, guests, merchant) are immediately hostile against my hero & party and will attack on sight, forcing me to kill them all. I suspect this is because one of them died in my last stronghold defense manual resolve. I cannot directly confirm that because after I completed that resolve I did not enter the keep again until many hours (and a full game chapter) later. This is incredibly annoying, prevents access to the merchant, and results in a loss of Stronghold prestige when I am forced to murder the guests. I am posting a link to my save file and output log (in zip file) that can be used to reproduce this behavior. I wanted to attach this file directly to this post, but it tells me the file is too big (500KB limit). https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=71FCD6481273473!4632&authkey=!AKkhismE_mPzW60&ithint=file%2czip The patch level of my game is v1.0.3.0526 (steam). I have used the forum search feature and found a couple other posts describing this behavior, but without any save files uploaded. Also, nobody has responded to those posts since 3/31. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72987-stronghold-hirelings-bug/?hl=stronghold https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/73709-guards-at-stronghold-turned-traitor/?hl=stronghold I found a similar but slightly different post at: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/74067-my-companions-auto-attacks-friendly-hirelings-in-the-stronghold/?hl=stronghold
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