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Found 7 results

  1. 1. After dialogue with companion envoy spawns with camera in other direction from companion with which you interact, every time you need to turn around and check for new dialogue available 2. Mising texture of the wall (location and screenshot of wall) 3. Enemy stuck in texture 4. Sometimes when runing on dunes near Thirdborn and sky become visible horizont and sky flash with yellow colour for about 1 seconds, can't recreate and make clip/screenshot flash pwas very fast 5. Some enemy atack may cancel skill cast or weapon shot but sound effects and visual effect of casting will be activated 6. Low enemy aggressions against envoy during fight, normal difficulty, Yatzli/Giatta companions, enemy aggressive against envoy only after attack
  2. So I brought Tucker back to his mother but it will not let me interact with her so I'm not sure how I am to finish the quest...
  3. I have really enjoyed the game so far, but I have ran into a problem after completing the Valley's questline. I am playing on a original PS4 (When they first came out). When I try to go to leave the Unreliable to go to the groundbreaker the game will kinda freeze on the loading screen. The music will abruptly stop during the loading screen, but the icon on the bottom right hand of the screen will keep moving. I have left it on the loading screen for an hour to see if it will ever load up. I do not have the technically knowledge on how to transfer a video of the issue onto my computer. I have tried to do some trouble shooting on the issue myself. This is the order I have tried to do the trouble shooting in. (I own a digital copy of the game and not a disc copy) 1. Power cycle PS4 and load from a slightly earlier point in the game (This has worked on any other game which I had crash on my PS4 before) 2. Check for updates on both the game and the system before trying again. 3. Create a new character and played through the beginning of the game again to have it freeze in the same spot. 4. Uninstall game, Reinstall game 5. Uninstall game, delete all save files on the system dealing with the game (because they are a seperate thing from the games files on the PS4), De-frag the hard drive, Re-install game, created a new character. I would like to play through the game and not get a refund, because I have really really enjoy what I have played so far. And I would prefer if I did not have to buy a new PS4. (Btw, other games have not given me any other issues, Spiderman, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Skyrim Ultimate Eddition, Fallout 4, etc.)
  4. I went to Scylla and saved Irion. Talked to him and he gave me his gun. Continued to explore Scylla then left and did missions in other areas. Went to turn in the quest and the dialogue was that he had died. Went back and found his corpse surrounded by Primals. I feel like that should not have happened. Something else I noticed, there are mechanicals in the med bay now, as though the delivery was successful.
  5. I just started playing Outer Worlds again, and every time I try to switch to a new weapon from my inventory, my character swaps to nothing! I then try to switch to something else, and I cannot pull up a weapon at all! I have to load a previous save to use weapons at all, and even then, I cannot change to any weapons besides the 4 I have equiped! What do I do?! Please help!
  6. As I was on the ship I talked to Max and in mid dialogue one of my crew member climber an invisible ladder in the background and clipped through the ceiling next thing I know Pav is labeled as “dead” even though I’m not on supernovae and her quest Don’t Bite The Sun is botched thankfully I had a save before hand but has anyone else had crew members just “die” on the ship I was in the space laboratory.
  7. Hey, So I just finished the game and got every achievements. I just got the 120th friend, but the trophy didn't unlock. Possibly because I didn't press select to see Clyde friend request. Since he is not even in the list once he get "Banished from space and time" can't this trophy be fixed to unlock at 120 friends instead of 121 ? This is pretty frustrating since even if you get his friend request, if you don't press select to see him in your profile page you lock yourself from the achievement ...
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