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Found 5 results

  1. I am a Fig backer and would like to know if there is a way to upgrade your Fig pledge. I've tried looking on the Fig website multiple times but can't find any option to do it. I know there is a slacker backer option available, but from my understanding that is only possible if you haven't pledged yet. I'm mainly looking for options to pay for extra addons of my pledge, like beta test , DLCs, obsidian shirt, cookbook, etc. Is this still possible?
  2. Can anyone tell me what was the last stretch goal that was fudnes or where can i find them, also if pay pal pledges count? I already backed the project but it been along time since i looked at whats going on with the project.
  3. I had read from a couple developers that previously, any money collected from kickstarter donations not spent by the end of the fiscal year are considered 'profits' from a taxation standpoint (in the States at least) and as such is treated as taxible buisness income. I had also heard some rumblings that in Washington they were considering passing legislation to treat crowdsource funding as a sort of investment, and give exclusions to such taxation until actual sales/services are rendered. As it applies to PE, will that force to 'frontload' a lot of the dev work in the 1st year to avoid....that is the wrong word, 'utilize' the current tax code in such a way to make the most out of raised funds? Music, art, sound assets, any farming that needs to be done? I guess I'm seeing a scenario where that to make the most use of available funds, discissions have to be made early that may or may not mesh well with a traditional 2 year+ game dev cycle. Dunno though, not an expert myself.
  4. I'd like to add-on the $20 expansion cost, but I see no option for it when I go to manage my pledge. How is it done?
  5. Seems to me many of us are expecting a relatively rich game with a lot of features that take time to develop. Also I've seen many warnings about possible bugs and a rough-edged final product. I believe it's best to wait for a great final product and I think that April 2014 is a very short deadline to implement the features a game like this should have now that 10 years have passed since the last great isometric cRPG from these guys. Add-ons are ok, but they usually feel insufficient. I think the deadline should be flexible if Obsidian reaches the budget of a large scale cRPG. I also think some of the stretch goals beyond 2.4million (or more, depending on the stretch goals already set) should be based on the most voted/replied topics of this forum. The base funding has already been reached, and there are already a lot of interesting and relevant polls that I hope Obsidian will address to.
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