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Found 3 results

  1. Platform: PC Steam, Singleplayer game. Having random huge FPS drops after I loot dead insects, and it lasts until particles of the creature gets vanished. This drops doesn't appear with small insects, as mites, aphids, weevils, etc. Also freezes ends when I turn around and can't see the parts of the dead body, and freezes appears, when look at them again. Otherwise my game works really well, in spite of the fact, that I have a pretty decent laptop configuration though. So, I consider, there must be an issue with dead creatures' parts optimisation on a weak PC.
  2. Hello ! I'm a PC player on Microsoft (game pass). I played yesterday, and everyting was working well. Today, I launch the game and when I move my mouse - the camera - the FPS suddenly drop. But only when I move the camera, for example if I juste move forward there is no problem. My PC didn't made any updates (nvidia, lghub for my mouse, grounded, etc.). Any idea ? Thanks !
  3. Hello everyone! Just registered to as this question. I have completed PoE2 as it came out. Then left it alone. Now decided to play it again with DLC this time. Unfortunately the game is completely unplayable when I have more than 2 NPCs on screen. If I scroll to the edge of the map where "the fog of war" is then it runs smooth. As soon as I scroll towards my character - fps drops to zero even on lowest settings and resolution. I have tried the -forced3d11 fix but it didnt work. Running as admin also does nothing. I have done benchmark tests, monitored activity with MSI afterburner and nothing points to any hardware issues. Tried removing GeForce experience but nothing helps. As soon as I enter Port Maje the game almost freezes at 2 fps. I am running an i7, GTX980, 32GB RAM. Please help. I am sorry if there is a thread about this but I haven't found it.
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