I had two days of daily gold left so I went to pick it up this morning. To my surprise all my 3365 gold had disappeared and I couldn't even pick anything... Aside from all my missing gold, all my other purchases such as adventures and characters and still available. Also, I did see that I was logged in, since the game center icon showed up.
I'm on an iPad mini 4, iOS 9.3.2 and the very latest version of Pathfinder Adventures.
By the way, I purchased the daily gold on May 7th and I still don't understand why on May 28th I only have 2 days worth of gold left.
How can I get my gold back?
Edit: after reading another player's post, I checked the vault and the items I got from a treasure chest purchase earlier this week are not there. According the the info in the vault, I own nothing!
Thanks in advance.