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  1. So I was thinking while looking at most the armors, most leg armors do not touch the upper thigh so what about having leg pouches that increase inventory space, different tiers maybe too like fiber, clover, silk, pupa leather, berry and so on, or maybe even a different slot for armor in general for upper legs and maybe splitting the pieces for all armor. Also a quiver, it was on the artwork before, a lower back quiver, perfect place would be under the backpack, possibly different tiers same as pouches that allow you to carry more of an arrow type or even give a bonus like armor. Top that off with the ability to change the clothing of the kids and customization in this game would be next level. Like not even anything drastic, just basic clothes, like different shirts, pants, and shorts. Just some ideas.
  2. This isnt a mechanic thing, but a lore/customization thing. Because this is gonna be subject to opinions Id like to hear yours on this. Observe the map: That’s a lot of water. Ocean, rivers and lakes. We can see that coastal settlements are very common. Observe the Aumaua. An entire player race defined by their affinity with water. The dwarfs and elves who share many arctic regions. Then you have the Moon Godlikes. Observe the location origins available. The gulf nation of Rauatai, the Deadfire Archipielago, The Living Lands (which are in a large island), the cracked arctic The White that Wends...that’s 4 out of 7 origins and the Aedyr Empire is centered on a tropical equator. These are mostly locations one would assume to have many fauna that had an affinity for water; fish, amphibian, mammal and reptile alike. Then theres the whole Moon mythos and the Tides. The point is: Many of the cultures are located in places near oceans and large bodies of water. Druids and Rangers are the classes that deal more with the natural fauna of the world and which have a more tangible representation of this fauna for the player to interact with. Currently it is entirely comprised of forest and plain-based fauna. For the Druid´s Spiritshift they has these options: Bear. Boar. Lion. Stag. Wolf. For the Ranger´s animal companions these are the options: Antelope. Bear. Boar. Lion. Stag. Wolf. What I’m saying here is that for a world so filled with water fauna there isnt options that reflect that affinity. An Island Aumaua Druid from the Archipielago Spiritshifting into a huge Aligatorman or Walrusman feels better than the same fishface Druid becoming a Lionman. The Boreal Dwarf Ranger having a Polar Bear or a Moose as a companion would make more sense than him having a Boar or normal Bear (though that’s far more reasonable than the islander having a stag of course). So, I think it would be pretty neat to have more Animal Companion and Druid Spiritshift options to reflect the world better. These do not need to have new mechanics (though they could), they can simply have the same as the current options only with a visually different portrayal. An Aligator/Crocodile can have the Bear´s Damage Threshold or the Lion´s Roar. A Giant Gecko could have the Wolf´s movement speed. An Iguana could have the Boar´s Might. You could even have Giant Platypuses. You get the idea I think. And yeah this may be a low priority thing almost equivalent to "add more portraits", or something for an expansion but Id like to muse about it now and bounce ideas around. So, what do you guys think? TL;DR: World has loads of water-based fauna, races and cultures. Would like to see more of it represented/acknowledged in Animal Companion and Druid Spiritshift options since they are more fauna-based.
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