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Found 3 results

  1. While in Durgan's battery, I found three key items, a sigil of Sword, a Sigil of Shield and an Iron Dial. I pretty much found where they are supposed to go, the Hall of Rememberance in the second level of the Battery. I had no problem with the Sword and Shield but the game does not allow me to insert the dial in the third slot. I imagine that I either have to find a third Sigil, most likely the Sigil of the Helm, or somehow turn the dial into a Sigil. Anyone have any ideas?
  2. I always wondered why there was never another game based on the Planescape setting, not even close as far as I know. It allowed for such a broader range of potential, weird characters, and fantastic situations than the traditional 'elves, dwarves, mages and humans-with-swords' fantasy setting. I realize PE isn't going to be in this setting, but any chance of adding a dash of it to the game? Maybe an NPC who is a Modron or some berk from Sigil, or even a quick side quest to one of the planes? There are such colorful and trippy possibilities.
  3. I like urban environments. Big, detailed, characterful cities. New Crobuzon and Armada, Camorr, the Londons of Neverwhere and Kraken. Sigil. I like cities with the depth and colour to leave grand impressions, to spark ideas for a hundred other stories that could be told in them. Big trading cities, bringing NPCs in from every culture of the world. The map we've seen, which I believe I read somewhere here is part of a much larger map, suggests a lot of thought has gone into the world-at-large, but I'd rather have a plot - a personal, non world-saving-plot if possible - that revolves around just a handful of fully fleshed out locations, really rich with lore and flavour. Who's with me? Who wants a sprawling metropolis full of guilds and gangs, a place where building a reputation can really mean something? Who wants something else? Maybe you'd rather be wanting to explore the world, vast mountainscapes, abandoned castles and - dare I say it - the odd Dwarven mine. You're the kind of person who wants variety. I can respect that, it's just not for me. If we get that two million, I'd want my house somewhere I'd be excited to call home.
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