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Found 5 results

  1. Is the new audio system in grounded 1.1 a bug or a feature. If it's a feature I think there should be a way to turn off the 3d audio
  2. So I have Maia at 2 rep, and she gave me her quest after leaving Neketaka, but I never had her first romance conversation where she expresses interest for the PC... Is there a console command that fires that conversation?
  3. Hi, I have had 3 members of my crew that have been injured for weeks and have not received any healing from Big Mouth despite him being an 'Expert Surgeon'. This is weird because initially he healed my crew fine but this seems to have happened after patch 1.2 though I am not sure. I have linked two savegame files (as I seem not to be allowed to upload them here) to show that there has been no progress in the healing of the crew over many weeks The first savegame https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FaV3JHettkGJ5zdgm2RbFKrYL6mpuTVL The second savegame https://drive.google.com/open?id=15JL0FdsWeI93VQ0KqigVk684ZVhvLY8b DxDiag.txt
  4. I'm not sure if I'm missing something about combat vs a Satyr or if this is a bug. In the poison pill scenario when I come across a Satyr it won't let me reveal weapon cards. This has happened at least 3 times.
  5. Is there any combination of location power, scenario power , monster , bane power etc that could cause involuntary banishment of cards from deck with a check failure ? I ask because I'd notice from time to time certain cards that just vanished without my knowledge after a scenario ended. obviously there's deliberate banishment of card we choose for location closure but I'm talking about cards that, without my knowledge, just poofed. Edit: can the mods move this to bug section. I'd clearly like your technical team to look into if it's not too much trouble. A debug log of events would likely throw up the point where cards just disappear
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