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Found 3 results

  1. Please for one second read this. When the power droplet first came out I had went a grabbed it. I don't know how but some how on the run back to base it had gotten out of my inventory. I'm sure I ran out of backpack space, and may have confused it with an aphid honeydew and tossed it. May have ate it, I dunno how it works. But long story short I have Scoured the entire map, ran back in forth, taken meaningless diving trips. All in search of my power droplet, that I never even got to use. Please add a mechanic to recover lost trinkets, i beg of you end my pain. Please get ahold of me, possibly put one into my game. It is my first world, my only one I play on, back in beta. Please contact me.
  2. Hello fellow players! I am having a problem where every time I enter the room with The Chairman. ( when he is standing in front of the cameras in the “Pit” area ) my game would crash. I’m playing on Xbox one. Does anyone know a fix?? Please and thanks in advance.
  3. Okay, hello! I'm a relatively new user so please hang on with me. I've been playing stick of truth since 11/22/17 on Wednesday and been playing pretty much nonstop. I was in a boiling room battling the bacteria when i died and decided to call it quites for a couple hours and take a brake. I saved and went and goofed around for a bit I came back and when i went to continue the loading screen took so long I decided Id just play other games while i waited and after a few hours nothing . I did some research and found out that, what the bug or whatever it is was called 'Infinite Loading Screen' please help me out guys. Any ideas are welcome, and if this happened to you and you fixed it tell me how! please! Oh and im a PC user BTW. this is what ive already tried: reloading my last save. restarting my PC Going to steam support I honestly didn't do much but this is all i could think of doing, shoot out ideas on what i can try to fix this! thanks for at least reading this.
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