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  1. At the moment, I am trying to finish the game as pazifist. I figured I play this solo, since fighting isn't that important. You are allowed to kill 175 enemies and while I think that's doable, I also think you need to pick some selected fights to get experience on your way. The critical path depends a bit on your stealth, the higher it is, the less enemies you have to fight. But I think it's worth the tradeoff to dump a bit stealth and raise other skills instead. I every area, there are a lot of treasures and traps you can sneak up. This helps with loot as well with experience. Cilant Lis: I think you have to kill the ambushing guys and also 1 or 2 enemies in the dungeon. Might be my low stealth. Act 1: You can recover the smith's shipment by killing a single enemy or maybe even none. You can lure trolls to the bandits who guard the shipment. The bandits will return to their camp site after fighting. That is quite helpful since the smith will reduce the price of the summoning statue. To get the potion for Aufra by killing a few Xantrips (max 4). It's possible to lure them to the NPCs in Anslogs Compass. You need to kill a single sporeling as well. This opens up Raderic's Hold. Raedric's Hold is doable without a single kill. Enter left, steal a priest robe and then sneak directly to Raedric and promise him to kill Kolsc. Now you can loot most of the castle, only the undead in the cellar will still attack you. You will have plenty of money now, enough for the Figurine from the smith (allows you to summon an Animat) Since my stealth was too low, I had to kill 2 shadows in Caed Nua. But that was just enough to level up to 4. That's not required to defeat Maerwald, but helpful. If your character is weak, it might help to kill the backer with the plate mail in Gilded Vale. He is next to the entrance of the Temple of Eothas. I had 30 kills after Act 1. It surely is possible to have less. I also helped Peregund by killing two of the looters, I got a helmet with +1 might out of that. Figured that was worth it. Kolsc was too strong in the small house, but I might kill him later. Act 2: There are a few running quests you can do, but not that much. You can get the dagger for the boy and reduce the prices in the Salty Mast and also get the dagger from the other boy (Odda's son). I also promised Nedyn to get her book, but told the Wael guys about that. I sided with the Doemels by killing the guy in the Vallian Trading Company. I was added a single kill, even though I let the Doemels do everything. They didn't mind and so I was in. Afterwards you can get the letter in Coppervale peacefully and steal the jewel. Now you get a quest to kill another single guy. Siding with the Doemels allows you to finish the quest of Maea mostly peacefully. I had to kill a single Harrasing Thug, the one with the key. Now I can reduce the prices of Maea with a bit of running, I figure I get the most experience that way. That helps me to get to Serel. I might buy the amulet from her, copper isn't that much of an issue by now. In the catacombs, I had to kill a few slimes, but was able to recover Eorn (I killed him), get the Woedica mask and do the second floor without fight. I was not able to sneak to the necromancer, but might try again and kill 2 or 3 skeletons on the way. The traps and the quest will surely provide some experience. The sanatorium was doable without fighting, I simply ran away after talking to the prisoner. I looted a very helpful scale mail there which reduces prone duration and also adds deflection when prone. I think it's fixed loot since it fits perfectly against the flesh golems there. Heritage Hill sounds hard, I didn't try that so far. Quests I didn't mind doing: Clearing the lighthouse, recovering the scepter, recovering the chest (all Ondra's Gift), quests from the other two fractions, rescueing Purnisc (you have to fight guards upstairs either way), A voice from the Past (see above), Recovering the Wael scroll (by fighting the thieves) Well, that's how far as I got. I am level 6 now and have 37 kills. I might try leveling up to 7 before entering Heritage Hill, but that will require killing a few enemies. I am totally not sure how peacefully I can solve Heritage Hill and if levelling up to 7 helps me there. In the long run, I guess it's best to really kill as few as possible and do some bounties before the endgame. That might be enough to get to level 12.
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