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Found 2 results

  1. I use the IEMod and I have "Disable Engagement" selected, which seems to improve some of the pathing issues in PoE. However, I'm starting to wonder how this affects Fighter abilities like Defender (1) and Engagement effects like the one caused by wielding Shatterstar (2): (1) DEFENDER - The fighter adopts a more conservative combat strategy, concentrating on defending incoming attacks. The fighter increases his or her number of Engagement targets to three, but at the expense of Deflection. In game text: Modal, Speed Instant User +2 enemies engaged, -5 deflection Prerequisites: level 3+ Fighter. (2) SHATTERSTAR (War Hammer) Combat Type Melee Handing One-handed Attack Speed Average Interrupt 1.0 sec (Stronger) (non‑default) Damage Type Crush/Pierce (Best) Damage 13‑18 Bonuses Two Damage Types: does Crush and Pierce damage (weapon type bonus) Superior Interruption 2: Higher Interrupt value (+0.5 sec) Enchantments Annihilation: +0.5 to Crit Damage Multiplier Guarding: +1 enemies Engaged Fine: +4 Accuracy, +15% Damage Can anyone offer some clarity on what exactly happens when 'Disable Engagement' is selected in the IEMod? Will disabling Engagement in the IEMod turn off all Engagement effects in the game and if so, how would I go about tanking without Engagement effects? Thanks in advance, and good luck in your adventures!
  2. Like many other people here I feel that my companions are useless. As a Paladin I'm more or less screwed for not going mechanics as when I did manage to pick up my new companions they all had botched skills. The attributes I guess I can live with but some of the talents are just horrendous. So my question is if there is any safe and well working way to change my companions? Like putting them back to level 1 and then letting me choose how they level up. I know people have mentioned IEmod but I've also read it's not working perfectly. Being able to keep getting achievements would also be a plus
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