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Found 3 results

  1. Hey all, i was just thinking about one of my BG2 playthroughs where i punched some woman for claiming her child was mines (silly i know but i was role playing a nasty bastard) and suddenly the entire Temple District wanted me dead even though nobody saw it, not to mention that i'd saved them all from that dodgy beholder dude. I really hope this all or nothing mechanic is removed or better managed, i would like to be able to brawl with annoying people (with the exception of neb / neeber who ironically i spared lol) without locking game areas off, i would also like to commit crimes unnoticed and not recieve reputation drops, but i suppose the main question is how would people like the crime and punishment system to be treated in PE? I think it would be fantastic if they implement different punishments for different towns or factions, for example for getting caught stealing in one place you have to pay a fine and return goods, in another town/civilisation/race/faction however they insist you must serve a prison sentence etc.. Infact expanding upon this, it would be interesting if there were different laws entirely for different places, they've already stated that the worship of certain dietys is outlawed in different areas, so what happens with your priest/preistess of whomever refuses to remove their insignia? Could make for some interesting character dialogue options aswel. I'm hoping that crime will be linked to reputation which will be unique for each faction, meaning you can be a criminal in the eyes of some but a hero in the eyes of others. Finally, i always thought it was a really neat feature in Arcanum where if u slaughtered a town/village you were labeled as the "butcher of stillwater" or something, regardless of your good deeds that label never dissapeared, no matter how many kittens you save afterwards.
  2. Crimes in fantasy games have always interested me. Due to the wonders and mechanics of the world some crimes cant really have as much impact as the real world. For example how do you arrest someone for murder in D&D when a cleric has cast raise dead on the victim? Now in project eternity it is generally accepted that souls exist and that reincarnation is possible. So if death isn't a permanent thing spiritually speaking is murder less of a crime? Is there a greater crime than murder? Perhaps the fracturing or the corruption of a soul. Would some religions perhaps have no moral quandary with killing as long as it doesn't affect the soul? Could a religion even condone murder on individuals with certain types of souls? Racially motivated crimes get raised to a whole new level when your looking at different species. Do groups of thugs go hunting half elves as some affront to perceived blood purity? Could there be species segregation in some areas, parts of whole cities cut off from dwarves because the ruling lords don't view them as sentient. These are ideas that fascinate me. Can you think of some crimes that would be unique in this fantasy setting or just seen as completely different from the real world?
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