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  1. Description: If you have them ITEM_QUEST_Bekarna_Almanac before robbing Arkemyr you get a bug. When you give the clay tablet to your client, the imp summons you to the Manson. But Arkemyr is already at the glowing pool in the labratory not in his study. He will talk to the council and take the research quest item from you. After this he will talk to you and give you the quest again. The quest is instantly finished. But Arkemys dialog is stuck and will ask if you need directions to the Bekarnas tower. If you cheat and use giveitem ITEM_QUEST_Bekarna_Almanac you can give it to him. But then he will activate the pool again, keeps looking at it, but you can't interact with the pool (you get the message the pool is empty). So you can't get the next quest (most likely to find the book of storms, it is my first play through and have just found it randomly). By the way you can not finish the Bekarna quest without stealing from Arkemy first, even if it start when you find the researchs. I play very randomly and love explore before taking quests. It looks like this is a bit of gamebreaking for POE2. But the world is realy big and komplex, so you could expect a few bugs. Steps to Reproduce the Issue: Take the quest the arch mages vault, don't do it, get ITEM_QUEST_Bekarna_Almanac , sneak into the mansion. (Sometimes a glitch happens and Arkemyr stands at the pool). Steal from the vault, return to the clay tablet to your client, get invited. Go into the mansion, Arkemyr is in the lab and talks to arch mage council instead of giving you the quest. You can not tell him you got the quest item. PS: My savegames (Ubuntu 16.04, no mods) are around 4MB in size. Please set a less strict upload maximum (maybe 5 MB?) for uploads in this forum.
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