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Found 2 results

  1. Hello All, I am making this post because the other post were kind of ended up as a spam, because the edit time is low and i was forced to repost them. Therefor i am starting a new POST where I will have EVERYTHING in Each Post OF its OWN...ACT 1, ACT 2, ACT 3. Everything will be organized and easy to find. If this Guide Helped Please BUMP it =) T Thank you all again for Enjoying this Wonderful Game. ACT 1 A Moment's Respite ► Pillars of Eternity ► Act 1 ► Saving Heodan ► Quest Guidehttps://youtu.be/lmSEVG_YL9s?list=PLeusrXH_hwph8tkMqpKRX1njMaRY8gbza The Ruins of Cilant Lis ► Pillars of Eternity ► Act 1 ► Dungeon Guide ► Quest Guidehttps://youtu.be/kOBIbepM2eA?list=PLeusrXH_hwph8tkMqpKRX1njMaRY8gbza Vengence from the Grave ► Pillars of Eternity ► Act 1 ►Different Outcomes ► Quest Guidehttps://youtu.be/Np3-DOw557Q?list=PLeusrXH_hwph8tkMqpKRX1njMaRY8gbza Late for Dinner ► Pillars of Eternity ► Act 1 ► Quest Guide ► Saving the Dwaft ► Inn Discounthttps://youtu.be/NDlBrvbquI8?list=PLeusrXH_hwph8tkMqpKRX1njMaRY8gbza Against the Grain ► Pillars of Eternity ► Gilded Vale ► Act 1 ► Quest Guide ► Walkthroughhttps://youtu.be/wWaZq-yb41U?list=PLeusrXH_hwph8tkMqpKRX1njMaRY8gbza Buried Secrets ► Pillars of Eternity ► Gilded Vale ► Act1 ► Quest Guide ► Walkthroughhttps://youtu.be/4fsfnYsv1E0?list=PLeusrXH_hwph8tkMqpKRX1njMaRY8gbza Mother's Plea ► Pillars of Eternity ► Gilded Vale ► Anslog's Compass ► ACT 1 ► Quest Guidehttps://youtu.be/QPGRUVnJIHI?list=PLeusrXH_hwph8tkMqpKRX1njMaRY8gbza The Smith's Shipment ► Pillars of Eternity ► Gilded Vale ► Black Meadow ► Act 1 ► Quest Guidehttps://youtu.be/YF7jo8_3vN0?list=PLeusrXH_hwph8tkMqpKRX1njMaRY8gbza The Whispers and Visions ► Gilded Vale ► Valewood ► Act 1 ► Quest Guidehttps://youtu.be/YIn7XHYwzsQ?list=PLeusrXH_hwph8tkMqpKRX1njMaRY8gbza The Old Watcher ► Maerwald ► Pillars of Eternity ► Endless Path of Od Nua 1 ► Caed Nua ► Quest Guidehttps://youtu.be/GyWweTopND4?list=PLeusrXH_hwph8tkMqpKRX1njMaRY8gbza Lord of a Barren Land ► Pillars of Eternity ► Raedric's Hold ► Esternwood ► Act 1 ► The Dungeonhttps://youtu.be/oO2gOyoeyGA?list=PLeusrXH_hwph8tkMqpKRX1njMaRY8gbza Complete Quest Guides - Tutorials/Walkthrough - Pillars of Eternity - Act1 - Full Game Review (BETA and Release) - Playlist
  2. Hello All, I am making this post because the other post were kinda ended up as a spam, becuase the edit time is low and i was forced to repost them. Therefor i am starting a new POST where I will have EVERYTHING in Each Post OF its OWN...ACT 1, ACT 2, ACT 3. Everything will be orginized and easy to find. If this Guide Helped Please BUMP it =) T Thank you all again for Enjoying this Wonderful Game. ACT 1 A Moment's Respite ► Pillars of Eternity ► Act 1 ► Saving Heodan ► Quest Guidehttps://youtu.be/lmSEVG_YL9s?list=PLeusrXH_hwph8tkMqpKRX1njMaRY8gbza The Ruins of Cilant Lis ► Pillars of Eternity ► Act 1 ► Dungeon Guide ► Quest Guidehttps://youtu.be/kOBIbepM2eA?list=PLeusrXH_hwph8tkMqpKRX1njMaRY8gbza Vengence from the Grave ► Pillars of Eternity ► Act 1 ►Different Outcomes ► Quest Guidehttps://youtu.be/Np3-DOw557Q?list=PLeusrXH_hwph8tkMqpKRX1njMaRY8gbza Late for Dinner ► Pillars of Eternity ► Act 1 ► Quest Guide ► Saving the Dwaft ► Inn Discounthttps://youtu.be/NDlBrvbquI8?list=PLeusrXH_hwph8tkMqpKRX1njMaRY8gbza Against the Grain ► Pillars of Eternity ► Gilded Vale ► Act 1 ► Quest Guide ► Walkthroughhttps://youtu.be/wWaZq-yb41U?list=PLeusrXH_hwph8tkMqpKRX1njMaRY8gbza Buried Secrets ► Pillars of Eternity ► Gilded Vale ► Act1 ► Quest Guide ► Walkthroughhttps://youtu.be/4fsfnYsv1E0?list=PLeusrXH_hwph8tkMqpKRX1njMaRY8gbza Mother's Plea ► Pillars of Eternity ► Gilded Vale ► Anslog's Compass ► ACT 1 ► Quest Guidehttps://youtu.be/QPGRUVnJIHI?list=PLeusrXH_hwph8tkMqpKRX1njMaRY8gbza The Smith's Shipment ► Pillars of Eternity ► Gilded Vale ► Black Meadow ► Act 1 ► Quest Guidehttps://youtu.be/YF7jo8_3vN0?list=PLeusrXH_hwph8tkMqpKRX1njMaRY8gbza The Whispers and Visions ► Gilded Vale ► Valewood ► Act 1 ► Quest Guidehttps://youtu.be/YIn7XHYwzsQ?list=PLeusrXH_hwph8tkMqpKRX1njMaRY8gbza The Old Watcher ► Maerwald ► Pillars of Eternity ► Endless Path of Od Nua 1 ► Caed Nua ► Quest Guidehttps://youtu.be/GyWweTopND4?list=PLeusrXH_hwph8tkMqpKRX1njMaRY8gbza Lord of a Barren Land ► Pillars of Eternity ► Raedric's Hold ► Esternwood ► Act 1 ► The Dungeonhttps://youtu.be/oO2gOyoeyGA?list=PLeusrXH_hwph8tkMqpKRX1njMaRY8gbza Complete Quest Guides - Tutorials/Walkthrough - Pillars of Eternity - Act1 - Full Game Review (BETA and Release) - Playlist
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