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Posts posted by Eji

  1. Ok well to start off when I go in the cave on Korriban I get to the end fight the sith and kill them then there is a spot of energy on the ground, I walk into and it basically refuses me passage and tells me I am not far enuff to the DS or LS in force. What do I need to do?


    If you're too grey, you can also cheat by making HK or someone heavy in DS approach the door. It'll treat it as if you touched it, but their DS force will count towards it. That's what I did and it worked. :thumbsup:

  2. Goodwood: Collaborations would require quite a bit of commitment to be able to see it through, though! I don't rule out doing it, but looking at my own schedule (exams, thesis-writing, work, fanzine compiling AH!) it's not an option for me atm. Plus, I might scare Eji with my control-freak style of writing @_@


    lol... yeah, I agree though, I also have a bit too much on my plate at the moment to be able to collaborate on anything with anyone. :ermm: The control-freak part probably wouldn't bother me though. ;)



    And as for a K2 graphic novel, it's too bad that the game copyright issue is not anything like in Japan, where artists can easily pay tribute to the games they love though 'doujinshi, or fan-press comics as the companies think of them as free 'promotion/advertising'...then there would be lots of unnoficial KOTOR comics (especially humorous ones that DH won't pick up) in a physical form for fans to enjoy.


    Yeah, that's a major shame. It doesn't stop people from selling fan comics over here, but it means they have to be quiet about selling it. I do see people selling their fan comics at conventions over here though, so that's sort of an option...



    Edit: Oh, and for those who requested, I compiled my current art into a very simple kotor fansite page. The link will be in my sig from now on. I'll update the site when I do new drawings, as well as posting on this forum, if you like.

  3. Now somewhere on this forum (I cannot find the exact post again! o:) ) there was mention of a mod for the original Knights of the Old Republic game that reintroduced a dark side ending option for female characters that had the romance with Carth. I don't want to spoil anything about the storyline for people who don't already know, but could anyone tell me where to find the mod for that particular ending, where...



    Revan turns on Bastilla at the last moment, and is redeemed by Carth, only to die on the Starforge with the man she loved (well, we can assume she loved him if she opted to side with him in the end...)?



    Because I've been dying to see that ending.


    I know this is kind of off-topic, I just wasn't sure where else to post it since it kind of does tie in with the whole storyline (and my, would that ending have changed a lot of what happened in KOTOR2  :devil: ).


    Any information at all about where to find that mod for KOTOR would be greatly appreciated!


    ...Guess I'm just a sucker for tragic romance. =p


    ~ D.



    Everything you need to know is right here:


  4. Naw, they're like Nihilus.  Consumer problems and loyalty are beneath their notice..

    It's fairly interesting that there's been such a growing backlash against LA for a couple years now. 


    Yeah, they've done a bunch of stuff to rightfully earn the backlash. They're not listening to fans anymore... they're even more into making money than ever before. Anyone who knows about the whole Sam and Max sequel can probably understand me best. That was a big example of them saying a nice "screw you" to loyal gamers from back in Lucasarts' more creative days... dropping it because they were worried if it would sell well and then going and making a ton more crappy SW movie games.

  5. Indeed.  Someone here or on the GameBanshee boards recorded the sound file and played it backwards.  It's just rhythmic English played backwards, but when it's done through a voice filter, it does sound pretty cool.



    Hm... well I tried reversing a couple files and they still didn't make any sense, still sounded like gibberish. It might be a mix of both reversed and non-reversed dialogue, perhaps.

  6. Don't get me wrong, I love Kotor 1,2 and all them, but what if they made a game w/ more realistic damage?  I mean, it makes sense in RPG's and such, but seriously, in real life, would a lightsaber only drop someone's health a few points?  Eh, maybe, but probably not.  I actually appreciated in Kotor 2 that a lightsaber could punch through a door in one blow.  But yeah, it'd be kind of cool to have a game that relied more on skill w/ a saber.  It was just something I was thinking about.  Probably from playing Ghost Recon, great fun.


    Hmm... well, in Jedi Academy you can lop off limbs and kill people much faster, but then that game sorta sucks.... :blink:"

  7. What scene? "Meditation Envy"? When they argue/make up?


    Yeah, the scene where Atton confronts Disciple about his messages to the fleet, where they argue and make up, and meditation envy. But if you get some others when you just have Atton influenced please say what you saw. :lol:


    Oh, when I mentioned Meditation Envy, I meant the Mira/Atton scene where Mira's saying Atton's jealous that Disciple is meditating with Exile, and that she can tell something's going on in his head that he doesn't want to tell the Exile. hee hee...

    I love his response too:

    "Why don't you go sit on a rocket?"

  8. I have to grudgingly admit...that Atton death scene was superb.  Good job Eji. :lol:


    LOL, thanks... although I've already noticed my sound mixes scattered across several other pages. Guess word gets around fast when it comes to kotor2's cut stuff. I almost wish there were more cut Atton things so I could keep making mixes, hehehe. Although once it gets passed around the net, no one'll know I did them since I forgot to embed my info on the media files, so it's just as well. ;_;

  9. What can a Virago do save fire at ships. Wow.


    Which it didn't even need to do. The Basilisk's only real function in the game was to serve as a transport to Iziz... the cutscene is over so fast that there's no need for it to do anything crazy. It flew to Iziz, shot a bit at the cannons, and then landed. Done. There's no need to focus so much on the ship when the ground battle is supposed to be the important moment in the game...

  10. Content was cut from KotOR II: TSL. Alot of people flamed Obsidian, putting them on the diffensive, understandably enough, and things have gome downhill from there. The forums are possibly going to be closed.


    A more constructive solution would be better for all parties, in my opinion, because this sort of acrimonous interaction solves nothing. Obsidian will still be flamed, and the cut ending content will remain only so many sound files, and the community will remain unsatisfied. What I call for is a cesation of hostilities, and both parties working together to help restore this content. What's done is done -- it's water under the bridge. Material was cut, and whoever is responsible, it happened. Obsidian is a small company, and doesn't have the time or money to implement it. It's understandable, if the result is undesirable to all parties involved.


    There is an untapped resource, in the form of the modding community, that, in collaberation with Obsidian, could concievably restore this content, which I imagine both Obsidian and the community would love, with a significantly reduced, if not nearly eliminated, investment of time and probably no direct investment of money on the part of Obisidan. The mod team, which several individuals are already attempting to put together, and if successful will undoubtably proceed with or without official sanction, would recieve assistance both in the storyline, scripting, and possibly software tools.


    If Obsidian and the community work together, everyone wins. Obsidian gains more acceptance with their fans, and has content they origionally planned to implement restored. The community recieves an improved game and a more satisfying experiance. All parites have much to gain by working together to restore the cut ending content, and nothing to lose.



    Again, big ol' Lucasarts is the one to contend with here. From what people have been posting, Obsidian does seem regretful about the situation and could perhaps possibly support our efforts, but without a green light from LA, I think they're pretty much prevented from doing anything even if they wanted to, and they can't do it on their own, due to financial and probably legal issues with LA.


    I'm of the mindset that (even if they don't admit it) they left the material that we found in there purposefully, so that we could understand what they had to give up to meet LA's ludicrous holiday deadline. If they had really wanted to, they would've taken out all those extraneous folders and this probably would've never come up. But they didn't, and I have the feeling they cared enough about what they had to lose to slip it in where a couple detectives could sniff it out. I think what we need to do is focus our efforts on convincing LA to be ok with all this, and then stuff might fall into place easier. I imagine Obsidian's hands are probably tied at the moment concerning all this.


    ... and perhaps if someone at Obsidian could also suggest this to Lucasarts, that might help strengthen our chances as well..?

  11. It's not a hard question to answer. Chris could have easly redesigned the creature for the KOTOR games. Perhaps getting rid of the bug parts, and settling for perhaps a more full lion form, and still keeping the mighty parts that make a Basilisk a Basilisk.


    Oh boy... look, I'm a nice big SW geek myself (otherwise I'd never have drawn fanart or re-edited those KoTOR2 sound files), but I can see why they chose the sleeker look of the in-game Basilisk over the ... illustration there.

    If we could see it in terms of pure aesthetics, the ship they made is much more pleasing to the eye than a hulking animal robot. I mean, I thought the cutscene when it zooms down to Iziz was pretty cool. A lot of people playing these games aren't going to be consulting their Star Wars Compendium while going through each step of the game. Star Wars in general is chock full of continuity errors, so it's not like poor Chris here is starting a trend or something. Plus, if I were him I'd be a tad insulted that you keep implying that he "stole" a design. So what if it has a passing resemblance to the Virago? I thought Nihilus' ship looked like a big star destroyer, but I'm not gonna scream bloody murder because they "stole" the design. Which they didn't.

    Also, I don't really think a beast machine would really go with the rest of the tech in the game, from a visual standpoint. We've seen star destroyer-looking things, slick ships, frigates, etc, that don't have the organic look that the war droid has. Having someone leaping around in some kind of Voltron tiger looking thing, no matter how modern it's redesigned, will just make it look like a jedi riding rainbow brite's pony.


    Please just give it up. Please. :lol:

  12. So if you want to argue LucasArts aesthetics vs. the old LucasArts aesthetics, go ahead. Call them about K1. Call them about K2. Do not hesitate. Tell them of the horrible, bloody crimes being committed in their backyard, which they have seen, yet somehow must be mistaken in their decisions. Tell them what fools they are for making that decision and how Star Wars historical accuracy has been ruined for you, sullied, dragged through the dirt. Tell them how it has crippled their reputation in your eyes for centuries, and how it has left a wound in the Force - a wound that echoes still. I think that only then will they see that what they have done is wrong... and that the balance in the Force must be rectified.


    LOL, oh my god, I love you. That was hilarious.

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