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Posts posted by Fluff

  1. Agreed. I'd love to see multiple types of "equivalent" armors, even if their stats are totally identical (I have an inordinate love of purely cosmetic choices). I do understand this would take a decent bit of extra artist time for relatively little benefit, though, so I don't really expect to see it.


    Yeah, I've seen it done in a few games before.. but I understand that with it being a kickstarter driven game on a limited budget that it is unlikely.

    A man can dream though.

    • Like 1
  2. Something that is historically accurate that you never really see in games that often take influence from historical armor (whether it be 100% authentic or more..fantasy-myth; ie viking armor) is classical lighter chain armors underneath cloths. It could be used for both lower level gear or just a lighter armor.

    http://www.infohow.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/MA-13th-Century-Arms-Armor.jpg is a generic example.


    I of course wouldn't want this to be the only type..but it would be some nice variation of the generic done to death systems of.

    Leather->Studded->Chain->blah blah blah systems. are tired, and rather bland honestly, having variety within the types of armor is much better if possible (multiple types of armor/styles within similar tiers)

    • Like 2
  3. Well, I don't... I'm just going off the conversation in the other thread.


    "Random basilisk... sucker punch!"

    "Enemy requiring magic weapon!... sucker punch!"

    "Enemy requiring specific damage type... sucker punch!"


    And I'm just facepalming all along and make fun of it, while disagreeing ;)


    Yeah, this bothers me a lot. I also don't really like that it isn't instantly attributed to being a "grognard" either. I'm only just about to turn 21..so IE games and the like are all nearly as old as I am, there is absolutely no nostalgia in them for me, rose tinted glasses, found memories of things of the past, etc because I didn't start playing any of them until I was around 15.. so only 6 years ago.


    I WANT strategic enemies because it's wait for it.. strategic (shocker). You can have things like enemies that are resistant/weak to certain magic types for example without it breaking the game as a "gotcha" moment. If only one character can use the one skill to kill that one enemy necessary to advance the plot I would agree, that's stupid sucker punch material.

    HOWEVER, just because there's an enemy encounter that can be plowed with a magic weapon and you don't have it for whatever reason, as long as you can still progress (just with a little more effort needed) that's not a sucker punch.. that's fair. If you want it to be easier, go back and get the skill,item,weapon,whatever to make it easier and if you don't care put up with the slighty harder challenge.. nothing wrong with that type of game play in my opinion.

    • Like 5
  4. I really wouldn't want this.. that's just essentially DLC.

    I want an actual expansion, there's nothing wrong with expanding onto the story in the expansion.. in fact that's the best thing they could do. However, flat out leaving open ended plot holes just for the sake of making more money off an expansion? Please..no, I don't want Obsidian to be the new EA.


    An expansion in concept should be an entirely new story in an entirely new area, with story added into the expansion that connects them together logically instead of something standalone. So like (generic example) at the start of the new expansion a cataclysmic event destroys a large mass of land that previously was unreachable but now that it is open holds threats that can make their way to the original area.


    TL;DR basically, there's a very fine line between connecting a story and blatant DLC money grabbing. Please, for the love of god no holes for the sake of making me pay for answers later.

  5. I think it would be really cool if you could give your party a name. I also think it would be cool if Obsidian gave party names to rival parties in the world and integrate them into the lore.

    That's...actually a really good idea that I've never even though of before. Having the option to name your group if you please while a simple touch would only add that much more to immersion and role playing.


    Having the option of being the "Hearth Alliance" a group of civilized pacifist Orlans dedicated to bringing knowledge and acceptance of their kind to the world would be much more engaging than being "a group of 6 people" (just a random on the spot example)

    • Like 1
  6. Welcome! This is actually the first game I've ever backed, so I know the feeling.

    The second I heard about this game (which was way later than it should have been) I was throwing money at my screen.

    As you can see by my V.I.P badge, I spent..well..more than I'd ever like to admit on a video game, let alone one that isn't even out yet. 

    If anyone can bring back IE-esque game glory though it is Obsidian, so I'm pretty confident.

    • Like 1
  7. I have to admit I'm a little concerned about this.

    I'll be a little disappointed if I paid $280 for a game (Signed collectors +cd and cards) to get something cheaply made that wont stand the test of time.


    Overall as long as the game is as good as I hope I wont feel entirely let down..just a little miffed that I spent so much extra money for as you mentioned, cheap cardboard.

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