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Posts posted by Namutree

  1. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/dec/13/florida-man-fakes-trump-inspired-hate-crime-own-ab/


    Does anyone have any links to a hate crime committed by a true Trump supporter who is white against a minority (black, latino, or otherwise) where the perpetrator was actually caught, and ast least arrested?


    The only story links I find over this hate crime nonsense that leads to arrests are the 'false flag' ones or the ones where it is Hillary  sup[orters/anti Trumpers committing the hate crimes or faking one.


    I've read tons of stories about 'feels' that got hurt by some meany but none reported to police that led to arrest. There's gotta be AT LEAST one, RIGHT?

    You can tell these people have never faced any bigotry in their entire life by how cartoonish they make their fake one seems.


    A guy burns a car, and leaves a note saying kkk and Trump? LOL! Even better are the nazi swastikas that are drawn wrong. I guess those neo-nazis forgot what a swastika looks like!


    Trump's tenure is going to be even more amusing.

    The irony is how much of his campaign platform included the sentiment "they're laughing at us". Did nobody notice that he's the reason why?


    Yes; it was because they are stupid and arrogant. Very amusing.

  3. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/obama-orders-review-of-russian-hacking-during-presidential-campaign/2016/12/09/31d6b300-be2a-11e6-94ac-3d324840106c_story.html?utm_term=.2471de6b80b6



    More irrefutable evidence about the Russian hacking impact in the US around influencing the election. This time from the CIA, its really time some people stopped denying this  :yes:

    Actually, there is no new evidence; just that some people took the evidence we already had and came to certain conclusions. 100% of the "evidence" we have now is circumstantial BTW.


    Let's also not forget that Assange himself claims that the leaks are not from Russians, and the people claiming it is the Russians are known liars with ZERO credibility (what they say should be dismissed by default). If you don't trust Assange either (I'll admit that I do) then it's a wash with no hard evidence. Just guesswork.


    Side note: The CIA being butt-hurt at the idea that leftist leadership has been over thrown by foreign interference is pretty lolzy. <- Saw that on twitter; thought it was worth sharing. :)

    • Like 1



    It is the new game in town, you don't need facts anymore, you just make narrative that you want and repeat it until people accept it as fact.

    Nothing new about it, you just didn't notice it until now, because your ox got gored. Trump is making truth cool again, among other things. http://thefederalist.com/2016/11/11/donald-trump-just-made-10-things-cool/


    Edit: Also watch true masters of false narrative at work: http://thefederalist.com/2016/05/09/ben-rhodes-reveals-how-obama-duped-america-into-the-dangerous-iran-deal/


    Sorry WOD snookims but you were equally fooled by Trump, you dropped your support for him because of  sustained daily  criticism, though misplaced, and then finally the sexism incident made you say  " okay this is too much even for me  " 


    We supported your unexpected SJ sympathies but .....we were wrong in this case, its rare but it happens even to us  :cat:


    You should have stuck by Trump, imagine the moral high gound you would have had on this forum? This would have been one of those almost inexplicable times where if you wanted you could REALLY have gloated because sometimes I think the guys do tease you a little and keep taking what you say literally  :biggrin:


    Gloating is stupid because sooner or later everyone face plants. I finally decided to support Trump because doing nothing isn't an option when the good of the country is at stake, despite the moral objections.


    Wait, what was your moral objection? I guess I missed it.


    "So, Housing and Urban Development goes to Carson."


    His first proposal will be to replace barns by pyramids.


    I think that we all can get behind this.


    I'll lay the bricks myself. Anything for Ben Carson; as long as I get that sweet, sweet Ambien.


    By the way, some people on this forum were very dedicated to proving me wrong on the issue of Islam and immigration. Now that its successfully tanked half of your governments, what have you to say now?

    Send them to Israel.


    Various pro-Israel politicians and Israeli funded groups were telling us to take them in; it would be hypocritical for Israel not to take them in.

  7. California isn't going to secede. It would require the rest of the states to let it go. Administratively, there is theoretically a process by which it could be done, but the other states won't let California go and it wouldn't the bed of roses that some Californians envision.

    Sadly, you're right. No one leaves the union, ever.



    I know he's held in high esteem by certain Marines in this forum, and reports indicate he's competent, very intelligent, and nuanced --but like a separation of powers between the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary bodies of governmrnt, there should be an explicit chain of command of clear civilian leadership over the military at the Pentagon. That's why the 8 (formerly 10) year rule between military service and DoD leadership is in effect. It's a good and prudent law.
    You're telling me you'd be upset if the military overthrew Trump?

    Yes. I'm anti-coup d'etat here in the United States.


    Low energy Leferd, who can't predict an election in his own country; doesn't support a coup against Trump. SAD!

    • Like 1
  9. I've never heard him say anything ridiculous. But I'm not exactly a Chomsky scholar either

    "I didn't like Clinton at all, but her position's are much better than Trump's on every issue I can think of." -Chomsky in an interview post election.


    Major election issues:


    TPP- Any genuine supporter of socialism (or even any non-corporatist shill) should be 100% opposed to TPP. Trump is far better than Hillary on this issue.


    Syria, Libya, Iraq, and neo-con warmongering- Trump was critical of Iraq, opposed intervention in Syria. On this front a genuine leftist should see Trump as better. At the very least Chomsky should considering his past rhetoric. 


    These are NOT minor issues either. Either he's lying now, lied about his goals/ideology in the past for years, he's a partison hack, or he's just an idiot.


    Screw Chomsky. Zizek>>>>>>>>>>>Chomsky

  10. I would point out that ability to ask recount of vote is part of same system that made it possible to Trump to win in first place. Recount should be waste of time and money as it should give same result as original count. Speculations that it would not are reason why recount system exist in first place. It is there to ensure people that their will has been listened.

    Recount will be a waste of time and money. Though I'm looking forward to leftist salt after Trump wins again. :)

  11.  @ Baro, Namutree and others


    Can I ask you guys a serious question because I may be misunderstanding something


    When you guys talk about Cuba being a success why would you suggest that when the Cold War ended the ideological conflict of Capitalism vs Communism?  The West won .....so surly that would indicate the ultimate failure of the Cuba social experiment ?

    What I'm trying to say is that communism/socialism wasn't/isn't the true heart of the Cuban regime. It's independence from US control. Something he achieved. The government that will be running the market economy of Cuba in the near future is the same government that controlled socialist Cuba. The cold war and socialism is a detail. If Cuba remains an independent nation that isn't just a US puppet; then his legacy is valid.


    Whether that's a noble cause is a matter of perspective, IMO it isn't worth the cost to be independent from the US. Not to mention that Fidel was a bigger jerk than he needed to be, but regardless; he had a goal and achieved it. 


    EDIT: Fidel only chose communism due to happenstance. If the USSR were capitalist and the US were socialist he would have been a pro-market dictator.


    Success in what way?


    He will culturally celebrated, and remembered fondly in Cuban history classes. A Cuba that isn't just a puppet state of the US will be what he is most remembered for. His socialist tendencies will be a detail, his desire for a truly independent Cuba is his legacy.


    Yet another old USA enemy dies peacufully of old age.


    The guy surely outlived his allies and enemies.


    Guys, Castros legacy is a failure.....the Cuban idea of socialism failed because it failed to sustain or grow the economy




    His legacy will be one of success. 



    So now the US re-colonization of Cuba can start once again?

    Yes. The elites in Cuba have wanted to transition to a market economy (China style) for a while now, and have been waiting for Fidel to die. Now that he's gone, the US will be helping the Cuban elites make the transition. The only roadblock is that Trump won the election, making what was a done deal a little unclear. Even so, the plan will go forward, and Trump will take credit even though it's Obama who deserves it.


    What do you mean by a market economy in respects to Cuba?


    China is primarily an export driven economy but since Davos last year they are trying to restructure there economy to consumer driven, meaning the citizens of China will be the main buyers of goods like many Western countries 


    It will be a country who's economy is determined to a major extend by market forces. An economy where someone can go out, "buy" (more like rent, but let's not get too technical) land, an run a private business to sell goods and services to potential customers. Success will be determined by having the right connections to the government so they don't screw you over, and the basics of supply/demand. There will still be government services like healthcare, but to a major extent it will screw off of strictly controlling the lives, culture, and productivity of the average citizen. 


    This will be done to dramatically increase productivity so the elites have more wealth to leech off of, and the increased prosperity they allowed to happen will give them swelled egos (even though all they're doing is not stopping people from making their own lives better). 

  15. So now the US re-colonization of Cuba can start once again?

    Yes. The elites in Cuba have wanted to transition to a market economy (China style) for a while now, and have been waiting for Fidel to die. Now that he's gone, the US will be helping the Cuban elites make the transition. The only roadblock is that Trump won the election, making what was a done deal a little unclear. Even so, the plan will go forward, and Trump will take credit even though it's Obama who deserves it.

  16. Or charismatic, for that matter?

    Obviously Pidesco thinks that Trump is just the greatest guy ever. I remember that he said Trump's words about illegals was, "Charming stuff".


    Now he thinks Trump is honest and charismatic too.


    I guess Trump supporters really are cult-like. :) :) :)



    I don't really know how he envisioned that would work, but I do know the idea was to get rid of money as well, so no "selling" them off to pay the plumber or whatever.

    From what I, likely erroneously, understand communities(aka communes) would collectively work out of self-interest to make sure the beans were harvested and processed and then shared with the community similarly to the primitive tribes of ancient times. Vague though to be fair Marx spent more time analyzing Capitalism and theorizing about revolution than he did laying out what communism look like. Today most leftists see communism as decentralized post-scarcity utilizing some sort of automation to do the bulk, if not the entirety, of the work.


    To be honest, I'd say Marx is one of capitalism's most perceptive critics, and all te points he made are pretty valid, although his views were very extreme. But remember: Marx is going against 19th century industrial revolution capitalism.


    So, in the spoiler a quick summary of what I understand of Marx's criticism of capitalism




    - Alienation (Entfremdung) from the things you produce, even though specialisations is much more efficient. Marx argues the specialisation of production (everyone in a factory does one very specific thing to produce a good rather than simply do the entire thing) makes the workers disconnect with their work. It steals the creative aspect of production.

    - Modern workers can be replaced: in modern work, every single human is just a small factor that can be replaced by other humans or machines if the need arises. But, we don't want to be let go. We want there to be a place for us. A human desire to be needed, to say so.

    - Workers get paid little, while capitalists get rich. Marx calls this "primitive accumulation". (ursprüngliche Akkumulation). An known problem, Marx takes it one place further: He says profit means paying one person to produce something, and selling it at a higher price to another. Marx says this (making a lot of profit) is not being intelligent, profit is in his opinion simply a fancy term for exploitation, and what is being exploited is the labour of the workers.

    - Capitalism is very unstable: Marx says that crises are not a failure of capitalism, but rather the product of it, and that they are caused by something somewhat weird: Before capitalism, crises were caused by having to little (for example to little food to feed the population). But capitalism produces far more than we need, leading to crises of abundance rather than crises of need. And here is what enraged Marx and gave him hope at the same time: We are so efficient as a society that we could easily dive every person on the planet a house, a car, decent education and healthcare. Going even further, Marx says unemployment is actually freedom. Because our own efficiency can support every life on the planet, Marx argues the goal should be for everyone to work as little as possible and enjoy their new free time. To support this lifestyle, Marx demands that the wealth is spread equally.

    - Capitalism is bad for capitalists: Marx didn't say capitalists were evil, rather they were victims of their own system. For example, Marx was perfectly aware of the fact that many rich marry not because of love, but for financial reasons. Marx argues that capitalism puts economics at the heart of everyone's lives, so everyone loses their affection for deep emotions (such as love). He called this "commodity fetishism". (Warenfetischismus) and said it makes us value things that have no objective value. He said that without this mindset, the people could start making sensible choirs for nothing but their personal good (rather than financial reasons)

    - Marx said that capitalism was a economic system that makes us adapt a few strange ideologies: That leisure is bad, that being wealthy makes us happy, that having free time essentially us a bad thing (aside from a few weeks a year) and that it should be the aim of people to make money. Marx said all of these were untrue.



    The conclusion he drew from these problems, communism as a solution, is not a good one though (in my opinion). Marx got a very bad reputation since a lot of totalitarian systems and poorly planned economies were build on it. However, I don't think we should completely throw away Marx.... As I said, most of his criticism is very valid in my opinion, only his solution is not.




    Not really even close to what I said, but whatever makes you feel better.



    Also I like how I always have to look up Malc's futbol references to really appreciate them. :p


    Another attempt to sarcasm down the drain, pity.


    How did he miss the blue text?

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