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About P-M

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Say After Me. Cut Content
  2. you actually see the real entrance (the blue line) in the mini map, which makes it even more fun
  3. wrong door, jek jek tar, is not a room in the docks, it's a different zone, if you come from the ebon hawk, walk towards the hutt, then take a right just before his room, go up there, should be an entrance you walk into, and zone into another zone, thats the bar... the doors that can't be opened, could be placeholders for things they didn't implement, side quests spots (you notice when you zone into different places with apparently no entrances etc?). this game is very buggy indeed, but this one is not one of them.
  4. 20 con,20 str,he may not be friendly,but when I had him taking on Dark Jedi alone I sure as hell didn't care what his attitude was like. 20 con,20 str,nuff said. :cool: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> they should atleast let us turn his damn voice off i've never used or talked to him since he joined my party...
  5. what dissapointed me about KoTOR2 was the lack of choice, too many things felt forced upon you, felt more free about that in KoTOR1. also, tons of inconsistencies, and dialogs that come up, with reference to dialogs, you havn't had yet... i guess many of us had too high expectations for it.
  6. why would you even want hanharr? he is annoying... i got pissed when i was FORCED to take hanharr with me as a max DS male...
  7. (snip) as i said in the earlier post, your problem is not the same problem mentioned, and the same problem that has been mentioned since the game came out, your problem could indeed be graphic related. the problem mentioned here and in every other thread is that the -whole- screen goes black, you do not see your characters you do not see a map, you do not see anything that could even be wall textures. and this due to choices you have made in the prior map. solution: replay the map from the begining (if you are in telos) and (spoiler warning) Dont fight the handmaidens, you can talk to anyone, how much you want, just dont fight them, when fighting them, there is a bug that disbands your party, and i belive this could be the cause, worked for me anyway, the cutscene showed next time i loaded up the ebonhawk.
  8. then the problem you are experiencing is not quite the same as the one mentioned. the problem that occures in KoTOR II is due to the decisions you made prior, which causes an ingame cutscene that was supposed to be viewed (afaik), when entering the Ebon Hawk after the telos academy simply wouldn't start. and you got left with a black screen, with your cursor visible, you can hear when you go over different menus but nothing else happens, you can go back to the startup menu by pressing esc, but wont help, saving the game there wont help etc. now tell me, how can it be graphic related, if an older save game works? your graphics card doesn't read saved data, it just reads the data sent to it by the game, IE the rendering etc etc... unless NVIDIA and ATI use the same graphic chips with the exact same graphic problems...
  9. this is a game glitch... try moving the save game to a friends computer and you'll notice the same problem... i have...
  10. No, she's really a very ambitious and selfish person. She's not that interesting a character anyway. Besides, why would you want to spare her? (1) She lied to you about the Ebon Hawk, and (2) she used you to kill her boss, risking your life and the lives of your companions. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As a DS male, those character traits are highly valued, she's manipulative and dangerous, just the way i try to play -Edit- my own -/edit- char
  11. noooooo not the answer i was looking for.
  12. search function in the forum yielded way to many results to go thru thanks
  13. anyone found a way to not get into a fight with luxa after killing slusk?
  14. i got goosebumps when i when to the frontpage... and saw released... hehehehhee
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