Survival Guide for the Frozen Lance
My early game (Act 1) was based on the paladin walkthrough provided by David Ashton on Youtube ( For Act 1, I followed the exact same sequence of quests as he did - however, my wizard dispatched of enemies a lot quicker with a combination of Concelhaut's Parasitic Staff and Curse of Blackened Sight. I did need to rest more than he did though, but in Act 1 the wizard was not any weaker than the paladin.
Since my goal was to play this wizard as a melee wizard, stats started of as MIG 18, INT 15 and PER 15 with the rest of the stats averaged. I do not like dumping stats preferring to have a character with no discernible weakness, but it also means there are no exceptional strengths. Since I wanted to clear out all the areas to get to level 5 before Caed Nua, I was engaged in melee quite often. The stats as presented here probably made the wizard a bit tougher at lower levels (compared to my end-game stats), but if i were to do it again, I would sneak past most encounters and return to complete them in Act 2, thus negating the need for a respec.
Difficult encounters - Act 1
Midgame - Act 2
In Act 1, the game mostly comprised of luring single opponents out and killing them while they were alone. In Act 2, my gameplay changed more towards the usual wizard. I used Gaun's Snare with an exceptional small buckler for most of Act 2 and either the backer plate or the Sanguine Plate once I got it for armour. I got both of the figurines asap and bought the Rotfinger Gloves and Shod-in-Faith as well. With the Rotfinger Gloves and the typical spell complement, I could win most fights, but needed to rest after every encounter. Unfortunately Concelhaut's Parasitic Staff did not work that well anymore as encounters started to be more open, thus I got surrounded more often and enemies were tougher meaning that I needed all the deflection I could get. Completing Act 2 took much longer than it should have, as it was pretty frustrating to grind through encounters this way. David Ashton's paladin started having a much easier time than my wizard since he could survive a lot longer.
I also made the mistake of not taking the two Citzal's spells at level up as I knew I could get them in Od Nua. When I finally got them, and then realised how to utilise them, I realised that Act 2 could have been much easier if I had those spells available for it. After I got these spells I started figuring out the buffing sequence and this turned was really the point where the game became fun again.
Difficult Encounters - Act 2