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About Lianjie

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  1. There is a TON of dialogue from Atton which was never used in the game. Some of the relevent ones are; "I thought getting in touch with the Force would make me more vulnerable... but it's actually made me stronger." "I think you're taking this 'teacher' thing too far, but alright, I'll try it." <-- not exact, I'm trying to find it again "Alright, I'm game. What did you want to show me?" "I didn't know this training thing was going to be so much work." "Alright, I think I've got it. I'll try to practice it when I get the chance." "Got it. I'll be sure to make use of it." I haven't found dialogue from any of the other characters about training yet because there are just so many files to search through. I've found other files and I assume that you have had to trained Atton to become a Dark Jedi in order to access them, but he's basically telling you how to kill Jedi. Shooting padawans and nearby innocents works well according to him. I don't recall ever hearing that in the game when I played, but maybe I missed it.
  2. Oddly enough, I've found some files which have Atris in place of Kreia when the rest of the team confronts her. I imagine this has to do with the rumour [or has it been confirmed?] that Atris was supposed to become Darth Traya depending on how you played the game. Just how many endings DID they cut out of the final project? OT: I've also found one rather interesting line of Atton's. "I'm Atton. I actually wasn't supposed to make it into the final game, but I was created at the last minute. Blame my agent. I was actually created for a spinoff of Jedi Knight but... I don't want to talk about what happened there." Any idea what that one's about?
  3. Note: Bit of a rant, mostly statements of fact and some opinion. I just wanted to get my two cents in. Well, I bought the game on the 8th and I'm about three quarters of the way through my second game [i would damn having a life if I didn't enjoy it so much]. I've had some issues with the bugs, but I can usually run it for a couple of hours before it goes to hell and crashes. I'm annoyed, but I've definitely experienced worse before. I didn't have the major Dantooine problems a lot of people complain about, aside from the uncompletable sidequests, but I've had many of the voice over dialogue skipping problems to the point where I didn't bother exiting and restarting the game over and over. Sure, it was a hassle to go back to the message log every time, but I didn't feel the need to enter some homicidal rage and kill every living thing around me because of it or the random crashes. There are definitely a lot more bugs that there were in KOTOR1 for me and I can say this with certainty because I beat that game for the sixth time a week and a half prior to getting the second. My computer more than meets the requirements for everything but the video card [Radeon 9100 Pro - I'm saving for university and dreaming of better days] which functions well enough. I'm aware of the problems surround ati cards so I won't dwell on that but I have enough patience to wait for a patch to come out. Like Seether, what I want the most is the content that was cut. I heard about all the dialogue that was excluded so I went to check it out for myself. I have to say that if even a quarter of what I'd discovered had been present in the final project, I'd have been a much happier customer. One of the things I missed the most from the original game was all the character interaction and while a little bit of it exists in the game, it's not nearly as fun as it was before [did anyone else enjoy arguing with Bastila and Jolee all the time?]. There's tons of dialogue I would have liked to see and partake in the final game, it's just a shame that all that talented voice acting went to waste. The game seemed to drag on for me mostly because there wasn't any of that fun interaction between characters anymore. Overall, TSL was a so-so game for me. If I were faced with a choice of buying it or getting classic Squaresoft RPG for the SNES, I'd probably go with the latter [whether or not that's a fair comparison I'll leave up to you]. I'm going to finish my second file, but I don't think I'll be touching the game after that for a long time, if ever. Unlike the original, I don't really have this burning desire to play it again. But in the end, I find that I am looking forward to KOTORIII despite all this since KOTORII seemed to be a rather large advertising for it at times. I'm not going to take sides or accuse anyone for the game's faults, but I'd like to ask if anyone else who played the game thought of Miyamoto Shigeru's famous little line regarding delays and good games?
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