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Everything posted by karpet22

  1. Latest steam version. I actually waited a year or two after release to ensure bugs like these are fixed Also it seems the final boss never spawned for me either (but I guess this is intended?).
  2. Does something happen to this item after a while? I just noticed that all the attributes have disappeared from this item https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Mask_of_the_Grotto_Deep Is this intended or did I hit some kind of a bug? It used to have + 2 intellect and a jump ability but they disappeared.
  3. Doh, it looks like this wasn't fixed. It looks like the node linking is broken. I'll nag Josh about it @ pax east.
  4. I have exactly the same issue (hope it makes you feel better). I am about to jump into the Burial Isle but cannot get Durance to progress. Aarik, here is the log & save. I hope you can help, I met Tim, Josh and Chris at Pax East and was hoping to finally give my experience on the game not that I am almost finished. https://www.dropbox.com/s/6zgikztvzwbo0a6/logsave.zip?dl=0
  5. I am trying to complete Durance's quest but I have no idea to convince him that Magran is trying to kill him. I went through every possible dialogue tree (I think) but can't seem to trigger his responses. I am right at the part where I jump into the burial pit and don't want to go in before Durance's quest is complete. I finished every other quest including white march part 2. I understand this triggers the end game when I jump in so I must be missing something... I tell him "I believe magran is trying to kill you" but the only option I have to tell him is "I don't know...". Can someone tell me the step-by-step dialogue options to press to get him convinced? Much appreciated.
  6. I have the same problem, I wish I could set left alt for highlighting items but it doesn't work.
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