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Everything posted by Ragamuffin

  1. There's a mod, the BG TuTu mod taht lets you play BG1 in the BG2 engine. Great resolution and all the BG2 rules.
  2. I'm looking forward to it, for nothing else than the 4-player co-op over live. :D From the preview, the game seems as if it plays like Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone, but with Prince of Persia graphics; I liked both! Could the breasts on that female in the artwork be a little bigger? Jeez, she must have hella lower back problems! Glad to see you back in the industry Josh!
  3. Me too. Josh Sawyer needs to find a dev team that will let him remake Darklands. I'd purchase that sight-unseen if Sawyer's name was on it.
  4. I have to agree. I uninstalled it after about 3 hours. While I like the story (the conversation with TNO's dead lover was one the creepiest game moments ever, especially at 3 in the morning), the combat was infuriating for me and I hated it so much I stopped playing. I was also really disappointed in Age of Wonders 2. I loved the first one soooo much, and I think the developers just tried to do too much in the sequel; especially with the graphics, which were just muddied and difficult to see units. The "Shadow Magic" version made up for it a little, but I felt betrayed, as it came out just a year later. It felt like a bad DVD double-dipping effort by a movie studio.
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