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Everything posted by pdoconnell

  1. Platform: Steam I was assigned the Goth-Kid quest, but went for side quests first. I ended up meeting Satan's wildlife in the west forest, and afterwards was sent home grounded for being out too late. I then had the underpants gnome quest, and once completed met Stan outside, and was told to follow him to Kyle's backyard, which was weird since I hadn't met him yet and it seemed like he knew me. I went to Kyle's house, and could not get in. It was still locked, with Kyle's dad shoveling out front as always. I went to the Goth kids to try to accomplish that quest, but cannot. When I walk up to them, the interact button appears, but hitting the space bar does nothing. The button disappears for a split second, and then reappears. I cannot figure out how to advance in either quest.
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